21. I'll Be Here

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The days passed at a snails pace and a routine was set. Mads would wake up, take a cold shower, eat, drink lots of water, take some medicine then sleep.  He would repeat this cycle twice each day. It seemed excessive to take two long cold showers each day but he didn't want to take any chances of getting another high fever.

As Friday approached, our routine had changed as Mads healed, he was able to stay awake throughout the day, reading and watching TV with me. His stress level had reached a new since his relatives were visitng tomorrow. He constantly had a cigarette in his mouth although he never lit it, he nervously took it out of his mouth, fidgeting with it. He was done with smoking. I could tell because on this Friday evening, as we sat on our back deck, he chucked the carton of filtered cigarettes over the landing off the cliffside. The leaves of the tall trees down the cliffside by our house rustled as the carton smacked them falling down until it hit the dirt below.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Much better," he says watching the leaves move with the breeze.

"Thats good, you'll be able to see them arive at the docks," I say supportively.

"No, we're not going to see them until dinner tomorrow night...which reminds me..." he turns around and faces me. Walking closer, almost stalling his words.

"If they do anything to you, say anything wrong, hurt you, no matter what, you have to tell me. Whether you're afraid of me getting mad or causing some sort of strain in my family, you have to tell me, alright?"

I nod but I know that won't satisfy him.

"I will. I tell you everything, don't I?"

He gives me a sly smirk of satisfaction knowing that what I am saying is true. I can't lie to him, no matter how hard I try. He knows me better than anyone, even myself.

I take a few steps towards him until I finally am able to wrap my arms around him. His love for me radiates off of him. He pulls me closer, his hands caressing my back.

"Did you apologize to Troy?" I ask.

"Yes, even though every word I said was true. No one could ever take you away from me," he says before kissing my forehead.

I look up at him with a smile, my cheeks turning red. He lowers his head, his lips claiming mine in an instant. He sucks on my bottom lip like he always seems to do, then gives a little love bite. His hands move down to the hem of my shirt lifting it just to the swell of my breasts. His hands feel rough against my smooth skin. The feeling of him touching me sends a fire throughout my body.

My stomach turns into knots as I shake under his hold, pure lust filling me. Without hesitation his tongue swarms my mouth, tasting what he can. I moan into him, pulling on his shoulders to give me more. Sadly he pulls away, breaking the kiss.

"I don't think that would be such a good idea, considering I'm still sick," he says with disapointment. I nod in agreement.

"Too bad, I wanted to try some new things," I say teasingly.

He bites his lower lip and shakes his head in disaproval.

"Don't tease me," he groans.

I can't help but throw my head back, laughing. His grip on my hips grows possesively pulling me agains him. My head rests against his shoulder as I continie to giggle.

"You are such a bad girl," he says playfully.

I should have anticipated it but was surprised when he roughly slaps my ass.

"Ow!" I say into my giggles.

"Please," he scoffs. "I'm going easy on  you."

I laugh even more and barely able to keep a straight face causing his punishment continue.


Saturday morning was the day that I had expected things to go horribly wrong. I expected screaming, yelling, and insults to fly like arrows. I was worried for Mads because he was still sick and stressed out.

Like all the other days this week, I gave him his medicine in the morning with his breakfast. We watched reruns of an old sitcome in bed while we ate then retreated to the back deck where we drank coffee.

The breeze was calming, hitting my bare legs which send goosebumps along my skin. The sun wasn't enough to keep me warm but nonetheless it was soothing to feel the cold weather.

Mads sat on a thick white wooden chair. I sat on his lap, leaning againsy his chest like usual. His lips graze my shoulder and neck. His kisses sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of my "punishment" from last night. My ass was still sore from his slaps and my thighs had a burn to them from his rough thrusts. It was like an animal had been unleashed and I was in love that animal.

"I like this new perfume of yours, it doesn't bother me like the others," he says.

"The others bothered you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you liked them," he chuckles.

"You should've told me. What bothered you?"

"Not sure, the sweet smelling ones are too much."

"I'll keep that in mind," I say laughing.

"Don't," he mumbles almost like a whine. He continues to kiss my shoulder, his lips so soft like a cloud.

"It's just perfume, besides I like knowing what you do and don't like about me."

"I like everything about you."

I couldn't help but roar in laughter. He couldn't possibly like everything about me. There were so many errors and so many mistakes that it was as if I was a rough draft to a more perfect final copy, one that lives out there in the world waiting for him. I could feel my heart burn with the idea of him with someone better, someone else.

"What exactly could you possibly like about me? The fact that you put up with me, amazes me," I say laughing.

"Baby..." he sighs. "It would be shorter just to tell you what I don't like."

"Which is?"


I laugh again and roll my eyes. The man had me wrapped around his fingers.

"Let's go inside, you'll catch a cold if I keep you out here," he says.

I stand up, turn to face him. He stand with ease and in an instant he goes from being near my height to towering over me like a giant. His hands grasp my shoulders and slowly he guides me towards the back door.

I slide the door open with ease and began to step inside. My foot touches the hardwood, the slick clean wood was warm against my cold skin. I take a step as Mads lets go of my arms to shut the door behind him. I turn to face him again but like I said before, the hardwood floor was slick.

I twist and fall back expecting my head to hit the hardwood, maybe the dinning room table beside me. I expect to feel the impact of my ribs, maybe the bruised bones in my back to burn. The pain didn't come like I expected because in a blink of an eye, like he has done countless times before, Mads saves me.

His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me up towards his chest. I feel my feet lift off the ground as he pulls me to him. Feeling his warm chest against my cold cheeks was a blessing. His arms cradle me but only for a moment. He looks down at me, the eyes of hidden innocence. He lets me down on my feet slowly. He keeps me steady until finally I feel safe to be on my own. His loving, warming smile reassures me of my safety.

"Okay, maybe theres one thing I don't like about you...you scare the hell out of me every chance you get."

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