35. We Can Recover

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With two chapters left, I can honestly say that I am happy with how it turned out.

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this crazy mess and I hope you guys can patiently wait for the 3rd book.

Lots of love

- Annelie Leddy



After my outburst, Robert had called for backup and left to find Troy.

I was weak from the drugs so all I could think about was sleep and so thats what I did.

Before the sun rises the sky is a dark blue, light was barely visible but you could tell it was coming. Before the sun could even attempt to rise, I was awoken yet again; but not by Kristi or my doctor but was instead awoken by a loud beeping nose and rush of foot traffic in the hall. There was a loud crashing sound which made me squirm in bed and made Kristi awaken from her state on the sofa.

"Whats going on?" She asked, startled.

I open my mouth to say something but a loud voice boombed causing me to halt.

"Where is she!" The voice echoed in the hall, yelling so loudly that my heart began to race in fear.

At first I thought it was Troy, coming to finish the job, but it was Mads.

"Where is she?" Mads repeats, screaming so loudly that I could see the water shake in the cup on my bedside table.

I sit up and begin to reach for the wires on my chest but Kirsti stops me.

"Don't," she says.

"If I don't go out there and show him that I am alright, he will kill someone out there. Last time he punched a nurse and broke a chair, and he knew where I was and what was going on. He will kill someone if I don't go out there," I explain as I pick the wires off of my chest and take the finger monitor off of me.

I stand, my legs are like jelly, barely able to continue but the thought of seeing Mads keeps me going. I walk to the door, holding onto what I can for support.

"Allison, get in the wheelchair," Kristi says pushing the contraption to me. I nearly fall into the seat, barely able to stand any longer.

"Tell me where she is!" Mads screams.

"Hurry," I instruct Kristi as she swings the door open. She is quick, nearly sprinting as she pushes me down to Mads's room. Dr. Bedi was right, Mads was in the room beside mine but it still felt so far away.

A nurse stops me from entering and imediately a constricting pain arises in my chest.

"You can't go in there," she says rather harshly, pointing us in the opposite direction.

I hear something break and the sound of Mads grunting in pain. With that single sound of pain from him, I muster the strength in a fraction of a second. I push myself to stand, no longer having jelly-like legs.

"Move out of my fucking way," I growl at her. With my eyes wide, and my jaw clenched with anger burning in my veins I consider pushing the nurse or even hitting her, but it was only for a second. The nurse's demeanor changes and she lifts her hands up in surrender, moving out of the way.

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