6. Awakened

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The first sound I heard was beeping. The sound grew faster and faster.

The first thing I felt was pain. There was a sharp pain in my chest and my back, constricting, forcing me to lay down.

The first thing I saw was a light, bright, stinging my eyes.

The second thing I felt was the tube along my upper lip, the tubes protruding into my nostrils.

It all came together as my vision grew stronger, opening my eyes, seeing the white walls and the blue tile floors. My body was laid out on a bed with a cream and white blanket covering my body. I felt the light breeze of the air conditioning hit my skin.

The first thing I did was cough, the second thing I did was gasp for air. The memories flooded back to me. My breathing became labored as my heartbeat became more intense. The beeping sound I heard was faster than before. I felt like screaming but my throat hurt to much, my mouth was dry and my lips were chapped.

I felt hands on me yet again. The calloused fingers werent at all like the last hands but it did make me squirm. I tried to sit up but it was useless, the hands on my shoulders kept me down on the bed. I didn't realize I was screaming until I heard the shushing. A sting in my arm and yet again I was met with a deep sleep.


I woke up yet again but did not scream. I woke up feeling the ache and pain in my chest and back, the soreness in my neck and legs. I could finally see clearly as my eyes widened.

A small TV was mounted in a corner. The walls were white, the floors were a light blue tile. The door on the far right was closed, a dark cherry wood with a small rectangular window to peek inside.
The room felt so empty, only the machines around the head of the bed filled some space. I turned my head to the right and felt a wave of relief.

Mads sat on a tall leather chair, his eyes closed his head tilted back. He looked so comfortable in a black sweater and pair of jeans. His hair was a mess, his skin paler than I remember. I felt like I should wake him but he looked like he needed the sleep.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I looked around for the nurse button. The red button finally caught my eye on the side of the bed. I pushed it with ease, making the light go green telling me that the nurses were alerted.

As I waited I watched Mads sleep, his eyes flickering. A small whimper came from him. I tried to sit up but my body hurt too much. Since his chair was so close, I easily was able to extend my arm and run a hand down his arm.

With the sound of a click, a familiar face entered the room. His dark brown hair was a mess, his tall muscular frame was covered in a pair of green scrubs. He didn't look at me, he merely closed the door behind him and sighed. He didnt turn around but instead leaned his head against the door for a moment.

"I told you, I had no choice but to call them, it's protocol. They are her family, they have to decide-" Troy begins to explain as he turns around. His eyes lock onto mine and imediately the clipboard in hand drops, creating a smacking sound on the floor. The sound awoke Mads whose eyes moved instantly to the door way. He stood up, eagerly awaiting Troy to tell him him something. He took a few short steps towards his nephew.

"What?" Mads says running a hand over his face. Troy kept his eyes on me, he looked confused, shocked.

"I'm a fucking miracle worker," Troy says breathlessly.

Mads turns around, his eyes scan me from my toes until we lock eyes.

He was quick, he took long strides until he reached me. His hands instantly cupped my face, his eyes turned red as tears filled them. I could feel the burning in my eyes as I did the same. Mads pressed his forehead to mine. I moved my hands to his face, feeling his skin, running my fingers through his hair.

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