12. Blissful Freedom

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I didn't know exactly why but I couldn't contain my smile as I walked out of the hospital. My stitches were out and I was given a clean bill of health. Of course my ribs were still cracked and bruised but nevertheless I was given the "okay" to do as I pleased.

After that awful Sunday breakfast last week, I had stopped taking my pain meds. They made me way too tired and my chest pain was only getting worse. After refusing to take the pills, Mads decided to just go with Tylenol and anti-inflamatories to help with the swelling and make the pain bearable. This, although uncomfortable, made my days in bed better.

Instead of sleeping all day and barely able to walk around; I ate, watched TV, and read beside Mads in bed. It was blissfull. Basking in eachothers presence for eight days until I was able to have my stitches taken out, which was today.

Monday, eight days after the worst Sunday breakfast of my life, Mads was driving us home from my appointment. His hand on my thigh, pushing the fabric of my dress up. His thumb made patterns on my skin. His face was expressionless as he focused on the road.

His hand that was previously injured was now healed, only having a few deep duts. Thankfully he didn't need stitches only a wrap around his hand which was now gone. Had it been me, with my luck I'd need surgery.

My eyes lingered down his body, examining him. His tight light blue button up shirt showed off his muscles. Soon he'd have to go up a size in shirts since his muscles doubled in size over the summer. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, wrinkling the shirt although he never seemed to care. Even with the button up he kept his attire casual today with a pair of dark jeans and his normal leather dress shoes, which he wore all the time.

"It's impolite to stare," he says.

I sigh and lean my head against the headrest. My hand moving to his hand, that rests on my thigh. I pull his hand up, high up my thigh close to my panties. A sly grin appears on his face.

"Does my girl want something?" He wonders as his grin grows wider.

We always played with words, hinting at sex, making jokes, talking dirty, all of that but we were never too blunt. That all changed in an instant. I was beyond sexually frustrated, wanting so badly for him to touch every part of my body since the day I awoke from my coma.

"I want your dick," I say bluntly.

He nearly coughs on the air he breaths. Chuckling with a wide grin and wide eyes. His tried to become more comfortable in his seat as he turns into the general store parking lot.

I remembered, complaining about our lack of food since we hadn't left the house in days, right before going to my appointment. I had completely forgotten yet he rememberd. As much as I love sex with the man I love...food was definitely a close second.

"We can make it quick. Don't look so sad. I'll have you home, in bed, naked and spreadeagle by the time you remember this conversation," He says chuckling. I nod, shrug and toss my seatbelt off, wanting food desperately.

Oh was he was right. Completely and utterly right. I hadn't even remembered our conversation, being so blunt and horny, and by the time I did, we were home.


I close the pantry door, tossing the plastic bag in the trash with the others. Finally having all the groceries away I was able to lean against the kitchen island for support. I take in a few deep breaths to test my breathing and luckily the pain has subsided for the most part. There were a few sharp tinges every now and then but for the most part I felt healed. 

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