Kept Hidden

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This was not how I imagined my last week in London.

We had been in the hospital for a good 2 hours. I hugged Kate, she was so scared. So was I. This was definitely not just another Flu. It was, different.

Tom made trips back and fourth, asking nurses for any news, and supplying coffee for all of us.

The doctor had finally come over to us. "Are you with Ms. Alexis Greene?"

I nodded my head and stood up to face him.

He began to speak. I heard 1 word in his whole speech, Cancer.

I sat down. Confused. Kate turned away and cried.

The doctor touched my shoulder. "She said she'd like to talk to you."

As I walked to the room she had been in. It was as if time had slowed down. Everyone moved is slow motion. All the sounds of the hospital, distant.

I saw Alexis' face. She was smiling. As if she knew-. Oh my gosh. I walked to her bed. "Did you know?!"

Her smile changed and she sighed. "It had gone into remission. A while ago. Before Tara passed. I didn't want to scare you, by telling you. It looks like, its back."

My knees became weak. No No No NO.

I collapsed on to the ground at the foot of the hospital bed. She began to cry. "Jess, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept it from you. But with everything going on, like Tara, and the trip, you didn't need more sadness in your life.

I got up and sat by her. "This. This is not happening. Lex... please tell me its not bad.. tell me you aren't leaving me. Please, tell me the doctors are going to fix you."

She cried more. "I don't know yet. But, Jess... I'm scared."

I fell on to her bed and hugged her.



Alexis was ordered to spend the night at the hospital.

Kate came in and we kept a smile on our face, for her.

When night time hit. Kate and Alexis had fallen asleep, next to each other, on the hospital bed. I looked over to Tom. He was in one of the chairs in the room, fast asleep.

I woke him up. "Tom, hey you look so uncomfortable. Go home tonight. I'll call you in the morning when we get back to the hotel."

He shook his head and whispered. "I'm not leaving. I'm here for you. I'm here to help with what ever you, or Kate, or Alexis need. I want to help."

I smiled. "Thanks."

He smiled back. "The pleasure is mine, Jess."



I didn't sleep. I just watched Alexis all night.

I held the silver necklace in my hand. I prayed to Tara. I did all I could to stay positive, even though all I wanted to do was cry.



The next morning. The doctor came in with a look of seriousness. He looked to me. "Can I speak to you outside."

He told me about her condition. And how severe it was. "She can have surgery, to remove most of the cancer. But this hospital can not do it. You should go back to America. Because you are leaving soon anyway, right?"

I shook my head yes. "We have 1 week before we leave."

He continued. "The surgery would help but, the chances of the cancer spreading afterwards, is quite high."

When Alexis finally woke up, we told her the news.

She looked at the doctor, then to me. "Jess, I need to go home and see my family. I would also like to speak to my doctor."

Without a question, I nodded my head. "Of course."

Tom was awake. He looked at me. I knew what he was thinking. I couldn't build up the courage to look back at him.

Going back to the U.S meant.... no Tom.

He was shooting a movie in England. I knew he couldn't go with me.

I knew I was going to have to leave anyways. But everything was becoming too real, too fast.

Everything was falling apart at my feet. My best friend had cancer, and I was leaving my only love. Everything that had made me start smiling again, was vanishing right before my eyes.

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