Hey, who turned out the lights

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"Hey, who turned out the lights? Hey, who turned out the lights?" Angie has been repetitively saying for about 5 minutes. Ever since we passed that checkpoint.
"no seriously, turn them back on!"
"Angie, the lights aren't out... at least, not all of them..."
"Well then please explain to me why I can't see a thing"
"The obstacles the holograph mentioned! it must one of those mental blocks!" Martha almost yells.
"I don't care what it is, just get the lights back on, I can't see" Angie snaps

"Look over there!" I yell. I can see a slab of floor glowing red. the last time I saw one of these, the holograph had reappeared saying that it was a check point and that we all must step on it. Angie went first and now she is blind. I wonder if she stepped on it again she would regain her sight.
"a check point, get Angie to it, quick! dont anyone step on it before her" I say, guiding Angie over to the checkpoint.

As soon as she steps on it the relief in her face is clearly visible. and she whips around and hugs me.
"Ok, the rest of us now" 9 says. I am closest. as I step on I am worried that I will lose my sight like Angie did, but when I step off I can still see. Words cannot describe how relieved i am" I open my mouth to say its safe but no noise comes out. great. I'm mute.

I spin around to see 9s mouth is moving. silently. I then look at Martha and she looks distressed. and her mouth is moving. silently. ok then, not mute, deaf.

"Can you hear me" I try and ask, but nothing comes out. its strange because my throat still vibrated the way it would if I had said something.

9, Martha and Angie all seem to respond to this. I wonder if I am talking but I just can't hear myself?

I rub my ears furiously, as though doing so will bring my hearing back. I shake my head wildly and jump up and down, letting my arms hang and flail around like some crazy person.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrh" I try and scream, but still no sound comes out. Angie covers her ears and 9 looks a little taken aback. So they can hear me. Martha tries to comfort me, but tries with words, and this only increases my frustration. I HATE being disadvantaged beyond my own will.

I snap myself out of my hysteria and try to take control. I start to head off, gun primed and ready to attack anything not red that moves. Out of the corner of my eye I see 9 and Martha step on the checkpoint and join me.

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