Chapter Five: Captured

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Chapter Five: Captured


The hairs in my ear were tickled by a warming breath, causing my nose to twitch in irritation.

"Caroline, wake up."

The voice swam through my ears smoothly like liquid gold, running over the planes of my brain in an expectant tone.

My brain registered the awful smell before I finally came too.

My left eye cracked itself open and I found myself staring back into a pair of iridescent blue eyes shining in the moonlit barn.

Moonlit barn?

"Why is it dark?" I asked Peter at the same volume he had been using. His lips parted and his teeth practically glowed from the light but they closed before I could be completely blinded by them.

"Because it has not become light yet," he mocked without a smile. Whatever he woke me up for meant business.

I reached over and poked his nose. He furrowed his eyebrows at me in complete confusion.

"Just making sure," I muttered then quickly removed my hand, a heated blush rising up the back of my neck. I hadn't even known why I had done it. He just looked so unreal.

"I'm leaving," he spoke after a moment of awkward silence. His tone was breathy with an emotion I couldn't quite place while his eyes lit up in an inner fire.

"Where are you going?" I studied his expression carefully. I'd know if he was lying, I'd known him too long to not recognize the signs.

"Caroline-" he started. I shook my head.

"There is no way you're leaving me here on my own without even giving me any idea of where you're going, Peter." He looked away from my searching gaze. "Plus your mother hates me. When you come back, I'd be married to some old man from the village! Do you really want to leave me with her?" I added.

He chuckled without humour, "I know."

"So where are you going?"

He paused, "To find my father."

"In the forest that's locked by a gate. They will not let you through. You don't even have a reason to go for the guards."

He was insane. He could never break into the forest on his own.

"I realize that. Which is why I'm leaving now. I already went by the gates and found a way in. Caroline, I must find my father before it's too late. You heard that man. Something attacked them." He lifted himself off of me and rolled onto the hay patch next to me.

We sat in utter silence for a moment as I blinked up at the roof a little more than a foot above where Peter had been. There were small sounds coming from below me in the barn and crickets chirped loudly outside. The sounds of Tehall.

I knew I couldn't let Peter go on his own. If he got injured or something attacked him like those men- he wouldn't be able to get help. Plus, I was pretty sure that if something happened to me here, it wouldn't be transferred onto my body in reality. Also there was the fact that if I wasn't with him I would be completely worried sick.

"I'll go with you."

He turned his head to look at me with raised eyebrows.


"No. I have to go with you. If you're in forest by yourself; do you know what that would do to my nerves?" I looked at him expectantly. He shook his head. "Peter, I can't handle you going off into the forbidden forest by yourself. If something happened because I didn't go with you, it would be on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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