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Papyrus walked through Snowdin, his cold red eyelights fixed on the path in front of him. He felt no sense of urgency, not like he usually did. Strangely, though, he felt the odd sense of deja vu, but he shook it off. The magnificent and malicious Papyrus had no time for confusion! He had to go check on his useless brother, and make sure the little shit was actually awake.

He was used to finding his brother asleep, the small skeleton not affected by his punishments anymore. It made Papyrus feel helpless, and he hated feeling helpless. Helpless made him angry, and when he was angry, he found himself unable to control his actions. So many times had he lost his temper, and Sans had been the victim. It's not that he wanted to hurt him specifically, it's just how he needed to act. Strong, poised, in control. If he didn't keep it up, then he and his brother would be dusted for sure.

...He just had to keep telling himself that. In truth, with each passing day, it got easier to kill, easier to hurt. He felt more distant from his emotions with each hour. But something kept him from dusting his brother. He convinced himself it was just because it would be a shame to lose his property, his pet. Besides, he couldn't feel anything for his brother, who he was sure hated Papyrus and would to his very last breath.

As he walked closer to the station Sans was always at, one thing became apparent. When he usually would hear faint snoring, he only heard silence. Then, he heard a faint shuffling and a cough. He looked around wildly, seeing a glint of red in the shadows, which soon disappeared. He walked closer to his destination, and froze in his steps.


He saw his brother, on his knees, slumped to the ground. As he approached, he saw the injury that was sure to send the short skeleton to dust soon. Papyrus got closer, his eyelights disappearing from his eyesockets. "Sans..." he managed to whisper, too afraid to approach in fear he would kill him quicker.

Sans' dim eyelights fixed onto Papyrus, the usual lazy grin decorating his face. Though now, it had a sad tinge to it. "Paps... I guess you're finally rid of me, eh?" He coughed and stared at his hands as they slowly started sifting to dust. "No, Sans, I do not give you permission to leave me!" Papyrus said in a gruff tone, trying his best not to cry, not to let the liquid forming in his eyesockets start their trails down his face.

Sans let out a low chuckle, "That damn kid...." he muttered, staring at the ground now. A gust of wind blew past, causing the dust to blow away, as Sans' 1 HP turned to 0, and his coat was left behind to drop to the ground.

Papyrus reached forward and picked up the jacket, his soul feeling empty.
He headed home, ignoring the monsters around him who fled in fear that they were next. They saw the jacket in Papyrus' hand and thought that he must have done what they all wanted, himself. Though, the disturbing scent of dust in the air had grown thicker. Whatever had killed Sans, was coming to town.

Papyrus didn't care, he couldn't care. His LV, his emotional protection, prevented it. Though he felt something, something so strange, and it felt...painful. he entered his home, and with a burst of rage, he slammed the door shut with such force that the whole house shook. His back pressed to the cool wood of the door, and he slowly slid down to sit.

He looked at the jacket in his hands, and his grip on the cloth tightened. He knew he shouldn't feel, he shouldn't be able to. So what was this feeling, this... pain in his soul? He pressed the fur on the hood of the jacket to his face, wishing the same could be done while the Coat's owner was still wearing it. He breathed in the scent, the smells of mustard and that stupid cologne he always saw Sans spray onto himself when he thought he wasn't looking, making him feel all the worse, but somehow more comforted.

Papyrus took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He could feel the wetness of tears rolling down his face, the red tinted liquid finishing its path by dripping onto his scarf, and the coat pressed to his face. He felt a sudden wave of guilt. He had been the one that made sure Sans had been sent to the Snowdin station, having been suspicious of monster activity in the forest. He knew Sans could handle an entire army of monsters. But he had been sent to his doom by the one and only Papyrus...

He took another deep breath, and pushed himself, trembling, to stand up. He would go to the castle. He would make sure the little evil thing that had killed his brother, his world, got what they deserved. Justice.

Several days later, Papyrus stood in the gold colored hallway. He hadn't slept in a few days, but his mind was sharp as ever. There was good reason why he was the most feared in the underground. Other than Undyne, who was dead anyways. He heard footsteps, and the so-called 'human' stepped into the room, knife in hand.

Papyrus spared no time, immediately sending a dozen attacks at the human, his eyelights blank and unfeeling. The battle escalated as the human continuously dodged, and Papyrus sent more and more attacks. After a moment, he had the human dead, speared with a sharpened bone.

Papyrus jolted slightly, a wave of nausea and an even more powerful wave of deja vu crashing over him. He took a moment to realize he was in the judgement hall once more, and shook the previous disconcerting feelings away. He would have to fight the human. He heard footsteps, and saw the flash of a knife. He felt like he had done this millions of times before, but only remembered what was going on now.

No matter, he would have to get his head back to the current. The battle escalated quickly, Papyrus feeling very confident for the beginning. An hour passed, and they were still fighting. He could feel sweat drops on his head, and fatigue finally reaching him.

Papyrus felt so numb already that he almost didn't notice the knife slash across his chest. The world slowed down around him, and he felt more numb but so much more pained than before. His normally high HP dropped to zero, just from one hit.

He faintly saw a figure in the blurry distance, but his mind felt too fuzzy to register it as something else other than the human who had just rendered him to soon-to-be dust.

It was a relief when the world turned black.


Papyrus jolted awake, his blanket and his clothing drenched with sweat. He felt a sob wrack his body, and curled into himself with the force of it. He didn't know what was going on, the last bits of his dream slipping away. Frantic footsteps were heard outside his door, and two Red eyelights peeked into the room hesitantly. "Boss? " a voice called out, filled with fear.

Sans entered the room fully, a nervous smile plastered on his face. "I thought I was supposed to be the one sleeping in late, Boss." He said, chuckling very slightly. "...Come here." Papyrus said, his tone calm. Sans immediately crossed the room and stood beside his bed. The short skeleton let out a strangled gasp as Papyrus suddenly engulfed him in a hug, arms wrapping around Sans' ribcage as tight as possible, but also very careful, as if Paps was afraid he would accidentally dust his brother.

Papyrus pressed his face into the crook of Sans' neck, not even thinking of letting go any time soon. Sans eventually, hesitantly hugged back, his hand starting a soothing circular motion over Papyrus' back. The tall, normally angry skeleton was unlikely to let go any time soon, even though he didn't know why specifically. "I should... really get to work, Boss." Sans muttered after about ten minutes, starting to pull away.

Papyrus' grip tightened and didn't allow that, a low growl escaping his throat. "You aren't going to work today. Neither am I. You're staying home with me." He grumbled, feeling the surprise of Sans through just his posture. Papyrus got up, cradling Sans like he was a child, and more carefully than he had ever been with anything in his life. "Jeez, Boss, getting clingy, are ya? " Sans chuckled, smiling a little.

"Shut up or I will end you."
"I doubt that'll happen."

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