Mine Now

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Cookies for whoever finds the 666th word.

Strolling through the snow, I looked around nervously. The cold usually didn't bother me, but considering the fact I was wearing a simple t-shirt and leggings didn't really help. The cold nipped at my skin, as if threatening to crack me open like I was a piece of ice. Nonetheless, I moved forward. I was filled with detemmienation.  I reached a bridge soon enough, which had what looked like wooden bars over it, though I knew I could fit through easily.

As I was about to do just that, I heard a voice behind me, and a magic aura surrounding me kept me from facing the source of the strange voice. "Turn around and shake my hand..." he said, the aura fading after a few moments. "I mean you seemed so intent on making me face this way, even using magic. Soooo yeah ill just face this way." I faced away from him still, stubbornly crossing my arms. Until the magic aura returned and I was forced to face him. Oh well. Then, what surprised me, is that it was a skeleton.

I was told about monters, but this... I guess it's not too different from an anthro goat lady . That gives me a theory. What if all monsters were just genetic experiments created by some strange scientist? Okay scratch that, that's a little absurd. It was more likely for this skeleton to be such a creation. But I still didn't believe that it was true. That's just a theory, a.... nevermind.

The skeleton reached out a hand, and I just stared at the obvious whoopee cushion. "Really?" I looked at him incredulously, but took his hand anyways. At the rather disturbing fart sound, I couldn't help but snicker.  It's at my general range and type of humor.  Anyways, the skeleton -Sans, he told me his name- told me to go past the bridge, the bars were too wide. You reader, make sure to write it down that I knew they were too wide at first anyway.

And still, I was stopped yet again by Sans, who told me to hide behind a lamp. A LAMP. I tried to not look offended as I sat very visibly behind the lamp.  It was less than a fourth of  my size. Like Sans was... why is everyone here so short? Well except Toriel. She was pretty tall. Nonetheless, I hid behind the useless lamp, mostly wondering why a lamp would be there. And just as I was about to get up and nope the frick out, a much taller skeleton came along, his eyelights glowing in an excited manner.

I looked at the tall skeleton, who had just engaged in an interesting conversation with the smaller one, Sans. There were many puns thrown about -which I couldn't help but snicker at once more- until the tall skeleton finally seemed to notice I was there. I waved slightly, smiling. "Sup." I said. The skeleton seemed to be going through many emotions at once, from surprise to confusion to general excitement. "Oh my GOD! Is that a human?!" He exclaimed, turning in a little circle.
I was tempted to make a 'did you just assume' joke but I held off.

"Yes I am a human! Take me to uh... wherever I guess. I don't have a lot going on right now." I said, standing up and brushing snow off my leggings. Which were drenched by now, sitting in the snow for so long. Get your mind out of the gutter. The skeleton introduced himself as the GREAT Papyrus, while I was sitting there wondering how someone so tall and GREAT could be so adorable and innocent. It made me want to cuddle the shirt  out of him. Fresh Sans strikes again with his censors of  freshiness.

I wondered if Sans would let me do that to Papyrus. I was guessing they were brothers, or at least somehow related. Papyrus then decided he would put me through all of 666 his puzzles, since it'd be a shame to let them go to waste and take me directly to whoever Undyne was.


For the next few hours I did the puzzles. A few of which I nearly lost my life to -don't trust me to be smart near pits of forking spikes- and a few which made my head generally hurt trying to figure out. Finally, Papyrus gave me a chance to battle him. There was no way I was gonna fight this cinnamon roll. So after an hour of constantly sparing him and eating all of the food items in my inventory to gain HP, he finally gave up... and apparently I had flirted however during the battle, so now we were apparently having a date? Not that I was complaining, of course...

And the date took place in his room, after I had a full inspection of his pet rock. I was having dirty thoughts while he gave me spaghetti. I love spaghetti, I don't care if this pasta is shirt.

And so, we had the date. Which ended up in me leaning against a wall and just looking at him in slight annoyance. "I just don't love you the way you love me, human!" He stated, while I sighed dramatically. "Oh whatever shall I do, Papyrus? There is no one as great as you! Can I at the very least have a hug?" I opened up my arms, smiling. "Yes, human, you may!" And he hugged me, all my life goals becoming achieved. He looked a little confused as I dragged him out of the room, clinging to his arm.

"This is mine now. I'm never letting go, ever." I said, walking outside. Oooonly to be stabbed by a bone attack. I could have thought that through better....

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