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{A/N: View from Swapfell Papyrus's pov, and switches a little to UF Sans' POV}

Papyrus had never wanted this. He'd never wanted his brother to grow into this... whatever it was. What, Papyrus pondered, had happened to the nice little child he had once been? But now, coughing up his own bone marrow, he found himself uncaring of what had happened. He did truly love his brother. Maybe a little more than as a brother, but he sure loved him. The last few resets, he had confessed, and it all turned out wonderfully. Until the child came, and reset. It was always the same child. Now, this reset, something different had happened. His brother was acting strange.

"Alright you piece of shit, get to your station and work." Sans' high-pitched voice growled. Papyrus reached a hand to his own jaw, rubbing it to attempt and remove some of the pain. It did not help. He held his hand in front of his face, red liquid dripping down his fingers. He heard Sans' voice again, but didn't seem to hear it. He staggered to his feet and looked at Sans. "Y-yes, m'lord...." He mumbled and started limping toward his station. Sans disappeared from sight. Papyrus kept walking, even past his station. He was moving toward the woods. As he stepped into the trees, he silently thought about the recent events.

Sans had started beating him more. Before, he had respected at least some of Papyrus' needs and wants. But now, he rarely listened to him speak at all. He winced as he felt his broken ribs brush against his shirt lightly. It had been happening for days now, almost a week. And Papyrus was tired of it. Suddenly, he heard something behind him. He instinctively spun around, looking for his follower. The motion, however, sent a sharp bolt of white-hot pain through his body, and he had to stifle a shout of pain. "Ugh..."

"Oh, dear, are you okay? I didn't mean to frighten you!" A tiny.... skeleton, immediately rushed up to him. Papyrus winced slightly out of instinct. This skeleton, he looked like Sans, except he was dressed in light gray and blue armor instead of black and red. it was the same right down to the scarf, which on this thing was cyan instead of red. "Wh-What-" Papyrus started, looking at the skeleton in disbelief. "Oh, I should introduce myself, huh? Sorry about that... I'm Sans! But you can call me Blue." The tiny clone of his brother held out a hand, as if to shake.

Papyrus looked at the extended hand skeptically. "I'm.... Papyrus." He said slowly, still coming to term with this strange 'Blue'. "Oh, You have the same name as my brother! But I suppose this is an alternate version of my world... Um..." Blue flushed slightly in embarrassment. "Who are you, what are you doing here?" Papyrus quickly asked. He wasn't sure his Sans was going to be gone for long.

Blue brightened up a little. "Well I told you my name, but I'm basically... I'm your brother, but a little different I suppose." The small skeleton smiled excitedly. "Could... Could you help me get out of here?" Papyrus asked. He was sure the skeleton would say no. And he was incorrect. "yeah, sure!" Blue said at the same moment Papyrus's phone rang in his pocket. He answered it, out of habit. It was Sans. "Where are you, mutt?!" His brother's voice snarled through the phone. Papyrus gave Blue a pained look and then spoke into the phone, "It's not like you would care, would you? But if you must know, I'm going somewhere you won't find me for a while. See you in hell!" And with that, he hung up. He turned to Blue, and grinned. "Take me to your house, bro."

The small skeleton seemed confused for a moment, then brightened up. "Sure thing! Come with me!" Blue rushed off with the taller skeleton in pursuit. They stepped through a portal, and entered a world much like Papyrus' own.


Papyrus observed his surroundings as he walked, as a habit of living in a world where any monster would kill you for looking at them the wrong way.  He followed the smaller skeleton to a cheerful-looking house that looked exactly like the one in Papyrus's universe. As they stepped in, Papyrus noticed more than several differences. One, there was a much friendlier atmosphere. Two, the TV was not in shattered pieces over the ground. Three, there were two other skeletons already sitting on the couch, snoozing away. Blue rushed to the taller, orange-hoodied skeleton that took up most of the couch.

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