Yandere Dream & Nightmare x Reader

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Title brought to you by the Longest-titles-ever foundation

This is my own little twist on Yandere thing

You woke. You were slightly disoriented, your mind shifting out of the dream-state that you had been in. Your dream had been... weird....

You sat at the base of a tree. The tree had golden leaves on one side, and black on the other. On the golden side, several fruits glimmered in the sunlight. On the other, there were darker fruits. Suddenly your attention snapped to two skeletons in front of you. One was on their knees, looking up at the other, who was circling them. One you could only see the outline of, his left eye glowing a furious blue. The one on their knees was in some sort of costume or something, a golden crown placed on their skull. Suddenly the dark figure rushed to the kneeling one, who stood up fast and blocked an attack from the other with a golden staff. They both clashed, and as they fought you could tell they were speaking, but couldn't quite make out the words. Suddenly the scene flickered - the two were still fighting, but the world around them had changed. The building surrounding them was fuzzy, not detailed. The only recognizable thing was that everything was drenched in blood... You looked down, finding yourself on your knees in a pool of blood and ash. Somehow you could tell it was not your blood. But, whose....?

You shook yourself out of it. You had to get up and work on stuff! A shudder ran down your spine as you remembered you would also have to deal with your parents. Your hand went absentmindedly to the bruise on your cheek. You shook your head again, and went downstairs, starting to make breakfast. You of course weren't hungry, but they were. You finished and started getting ready. Luckily, today was the day you were moving out. Most of your stuff had already gotten packed. You grabbed your small amount of personal items, and made your way out of the front door, where your new roommate was waiting. Your father brushed past, eyes trained ahead of him. "Good riddance.." He muttered and went into the kitchen.

You ignored him and got into the car. "Drive, Alex, Drive." You murmured, and he nodded. As soon as you left the drive way, you realized you had been holding your breath, as if seeing if you'd really be able to make it away without something happening. As if seeing if it was a dream or not. You shook away the thought, and turned to Alex. You two had been best friends, since, what, forever? All came with living in a smallish town. 

"Thank you." You said quietly, peering out the windshield. "For what?" Alex asked, glancing at you. "For getting me out of there." You said.

Soon enough you two arrived. You dumped your stuff and got your bag. "College time." You muttered. "You literally just got here. Can't you take a day off? I am." Alex said. "Can't, man. I didn't pay to go to college just to not go." You said, smiling. You couldn't help but think the smile was fake somehow. But you went off, borrowing Alex's car. You reached the college, pulling into the parking lot, humming some song quietly. You walked in, bringing your stuff. 

Someone brushed past, and you tripped. You landed on your hands and knees, and looked up to see your attacker. You only saw the back of them as they walked away, a dark leather jacket with fur on the hood. Almost instantly there was a skeletal hand reaching out to help you up. You accepted the offer, pushing away the thought that you'd end up having to pay for that kindness later on. Your e/c eyes met softly glowing golden ones. The familiar skeleton before you smiled brightly. "Hello, human!" He said, seeming excited. You thought you could see a slight golden tint to his cheekbones, but dismissed it.

"Hi..." You said, slightly dazed, mind racing fifty miles an hour. He had been one of the skeletons in your dream, hadn't he?  But then where was the other... For the millionth time that day, you pushed the thought away. Focusing on the skeleton in front of you, you took in his appearance. Light blue jacket, belt with the initials 'DS' on it, and a golden crown. His pants were a darker shade of blue than his jacket, and his shoes were yellow and blue. You just realized he seemed to be asking you a question. "What?" You asked. "What is your name? I'm Dream!" He said, not irritated in the least. "Y/n...." You responded finally, and he smiled wider. "That's a nice name." He commented. "THank you, and sorry, I really gotta go!" You checked your watch and dashed off.

Dream P.O.V.

I was walking down the hall, my mind on nothing much at all. Then I saw a human fall to the ground. My 'eyes' narrowed. Fell. I went to the human and held out a hand to help them up. They took my hand and got up. As soon as they looked at me with those brilliant e/c eyes, I smiled. Suddenly I found my face heating up. Oh no.... I forced the blush away and focused on them. "Hello, human!" I said happily. "Hi..." they said. "I'm Dream, what's your name?" I asked. They didn't respond quickly, so I repeated the question, forcing down my rising blush as they realized they were looking me up and down. "Y/n..." they trailed off, and then checked their watch. "That's a nice na-" they rushed off before i could finish my sentence. "Thank you, sorry, gotta go!" They shouted behind them as they ran.

I was left chuckling at their actions. I could still picture that beautiful face.... the lovely h/l, h/c hair..... Suddenly I was filled with a strange feeling. I was suddenly worried someone would take this beautiful creature away. And I was determined to remove anyone in my way.

Just wait, Y/n. I'll have you soon enough.

A/N: OH BOY LOOK AT THAT. But I know the title says Nightmare would be involved, but that'll happen in part two. more than 1000 words, yay! Okay but anyway there WILL be a part two. I tried to keep the reader as gender-neutral as I could, okay? Tho Idk what the f*ck kind of guy would be reading my sh*tty writing.

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