NightmarexBlueberry {part 2}

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A/N: If I portray Nightmare wrong, soz guys. I just don't really know much about him. But this ship WAS requested *cough cough* ordered *cough cough* by a friend so I had to do it!Also Lust is an a$$hole.

And there may be SOME stuff that may go a little lemony but not too much >_< 

Blue was walking in the street, humming quietly to himself. He was walking to the college. He did in fact have a room at the building, but he preferred sleeping at home. He had trouble sleeping in other places, and his roommate was annoying. Can you guess who his roommate was? Yep, it's Lust.

Blue was one of the only Sanses who didn't have the power to teleport. It honestly sucked, but he didn't mind. He checked his phone, seeing he had a text from Dream.

Dream: Party tomorrow~ My house. 6 PM. Be there >_<

Blue: I'll try! Might have some college stuff to work on...


Blue rolled his eyes. He put his phone away and kept walking. Soon enough he reached the building. He was pretty sure Lust had stayed home for the day. Hopefully... He walked inside, and nearly crashed into Nightmare.  Nightmare seemed pretty surprised, and Blue was inwardly groaning that it seemed that nearly every time he ran into Nightmare on his own, he literally RAN INTO him. "I'm so sorry!" Blue apologized quickly. "Oh! I-It's alright, Blue..." Nightmare said.

Blue was slightly relieved. Slightly. He realized he was blushing. "Nice face." Nightmare smirked. That caused Blue to blush even more. Blue just pushed past Nightmare and went to his dorm. "Whatever..." He muttered and went in the room. Nightmare was on one of the beds, sitting on the edge. "Why are you in here?" Blue asked. "I'm bored." nightmare replied. "Well you can continue being bored, because I have to work on some stuff." Blue said and sat down at his desk, pulling his papers out of his bag. 


TemSkip To the PARTY

Blueberry arrived soon after 6, yawning slightly. He spotted a lot of AU Sanses there, and even some Papyruses. Stretch had come of course, but Blue knew he would probably be drunk off his ass before he had even got here. He spotted Dream and walked over to him. "Hi there Dream!" He said, smiling. Dream offered him a cup of something. "It's juice." Dream reassured. Blue shrugged and sipped at it. Tasted like blueberries and some other berry.... He looked at Dream. "Nightmare here?" Blue asked. "Yeah, why?" Dream tilted his head. Blue sensed a grin threatening to decorate Dream's face. Ugh. Blue silently wondered why everyone shipped him with everyone.....

Blue just took his drink and wandered the place. He had been about to go back to Dream when he was suddenly pinned against a wall. He had the feeling of his soul dropping through his ribcage when he realized the new presence was Lust.... 

Lust pressed his teeth to Blue's. Blue smelled the alcohol on Lust's breath. He squirmed and tried pushing Lust away. No luck. He felt hands begin to roam under his shirt. He struggled harder. "S-Stop!" Blue kept trying to push Lust away. Lust just pushed up on his shirt, ignoring his words. He started to panic, tears welling in his eyes.

"P-Plea-" Blue was cut off by Lust being knocked aside. He closed his 'eyes' and heard a thump and shuffling noises. Suddenly comforting arms wrapped around him. "It's okay- he's gone now. Sent him away." Nightmare's voice. Blue opened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off once more. "Don't worry. He's not hurt. Much." Nightmare said.

Blue buried his face in Nightmare's shoulder and closed his eyes again. "Do you want me to take you home?" Nightmare asked.Blue nodded quietly. Nightmare carefully picked Blue up bridal style, and walked down the hallways. Blue kept his eyes closed. He was sure there was a cyan blush dusting his cheekbones, but didn't care. He just pressed the side of his skull to Nightmare's chest and listened to the faint sound of a heartbeat coming from Nightmare's soul. He heard Dream. "Is Blue okay?!" 

"Yeah, bro. Just tasted something funny, I guess. I'm taking him home." Nightmare replied calmly. There was a snap as Nightmare's magic activated and he took a shortcut. Blue cracked open his eyes and looked around, finding them in his home. "You want me to put you down, or want me to take you to your room?" Nightmare asked. Blue just nuzzled his face into Nightmare's chest. Guess that decision was made. Nightmare took the smaller up to his room. 

Blue yawned, and looked around the room. "Should get dressed...." He muttered. Nightmare set him down, making sure he could stay steady. "Okay I'll g-" he was interrupted by Blue hugging him. "Don't leave. Just wait outside the room?" Blue looked up at him. Who could say no to that face?

Nightmare waited outside the room as Blue changed into a simple dark gray tank top and some shorts. When Nightmare came back in, Blue seemed to be falling asleep standing up. Nightmare rolled his eyes and picked up Blue, placing him instead on the bed. He made to go to the living room, but Blue grabbed him before he could. "Nnn, nu" Blue said tiredly and pulled Nightmare closer. "....SHouldn't I sleep on the couch?" Nightmare asked. Blue just shook his head and pulled Nightmare to lay down with him. "Mine" Blue said and huggled Nightmare. (Intense fangirling just writing this and don't judge me I dun have good ideas so hey plot twist Blue nearly- okay I'm not explaining the entire plot of the story I'll let you get back to reading)

Nightmare blushed slightly, wrapping an arm around around Blue. Soon snores followed. Who knew how skeletons snored, like wtf? but oh well this is a fanfic anything can happen- anyways. 

Nightmare tucked Blue closer and into a more comfortable position, and soon he fell asleep as well. 

Ending it here cuz idk how to end sht what are u talking about 

Soz this took so long to publish... lol 

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