Some Cherryberry Fluff

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Warnings: Abuse/Violence/Gore warning. For like a tiny paragraph. 

Red had been alone for most of the evening. He had gone to bed and fallen asleep eventually. But now, he was awake, his breaths coming quick into his nonexistent lungs. His soul quivered slightly, and crimson tears dripped down his face. His dreams weren't usually this bad. His sharpened phalanges dug into his arms, and he sobbed. The pain kept his mind there, the only thing keeping him in the present. 

Fell smacked him across the face, causing a bright flash of white hot pain to shoot through Red's cheekbone. Most of the small skeleton's bones had been broken. Fell reached for another one of his ribs, and a sickening crack was heard. Red cried out in pain, too weak to even struggle anymore.

Red breathed heavily. He had his eyes closed shut. Then he felt warm arms wrap around him from behind. "It's fine, Red. I'm here now, it's just a dream. You're safe." and there came a murmur from the smaller skeleton. Blue's usually star-shaped eyelights had went to normal blue circles, and he buried his face in Red's shoulder. Red was brought back to the present by the breath of the smaller on his bones. He started to roll over to face Blue, but was held firmly in place. "Don't. You're fine." Blue murmured and pressed his teeth to the back of Red's skull.

Red sighed deeply, his tears starting to dry. "Th-Thank you..." He said quietly. Blue nodded gently. Blue sensed that Red was more or less fine now. "Red, I told you that keeping your tail tied up while sleeping gives you nightmares." Blue smiled a bit. Red rolled over. "It's not my fuckin' tai-" He was silenced by Blue's teeth pressing to his. "Shh. You okay now?" Blue asked. Red nodded. "I'm going to go make breakfast!" Blue sat up. "Breakfast tacos?"Red muttered. "Nope, I'm gonna try to make pancakes!" Blue got out of bed.

Red sat up, rolling his eyes. "I-I'm.... gonna go take a shower." He blipped off into the bathroom after grabbing a towel, and stepped into the shower. He turned the water to cold and enjoyed the cool water running over his bones. 

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