Wait, What?!

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A/N: I decided to use a writing prompt, and this one is interesting XD

Setting/Characters: Underfell Sans and original Chara and Frisk all live in the same apartment. Try and guess what the prompt was XD . Also, Frisk and Chara are female in this.

Sans walked into his apartment, greeted by Frisk and Chara arguing. 

"Just one little murder...? Please!"

"Wtf Chara? Of course not!"

"But Friiiii- Oh hi Sans."

They stopped arguing as Sans entered. Sans looked at both of them. "Hi...." Chara went to Sans and put an arm around his shoulder "Sansy, human to human, do you think I should be able  to murder someone?" She asked. Sans sighed. He was a skeleton. But he was relieved they were too stupid to figure that out. Otherwise he'd be dead. "Uh.... how should I care?" Sans said. Chara smiled triumphantly at Frisk. "That doesn't mean YES!" Frisk shouted. "Wait, did you just say yes? Omg yay!" Chara started to run out the door but ended up crashing into it. She got to her feet like nothing happened and tried to turn the knob. "Why is the door locked?"

Sans just watched her. "i didn't lock the door." He said, and put up his keys. "I'm making dinner.." He said and went into the kitchen. "MAKE EXTRA PORTIONS SANS, YOU'RE TOO DAMN SKINNY" Chara shouted after him. "We're in the same apartment, you don't need to shout." Sans muttered. Frisk started arguing with Chara again as Sans made dinner. 

"You can't just call him skinny like that!"

"But he IS"

"That's like calling.... idk that's like calling someone fat, it's mean."

"Anyone would LIKE being called Skinny, Frisk! and it's true, he's too damn skinny!"

"Chara, it's fine. Would you rather Sans be fat?"


"Then ha!"

"....Why IS he so skinny? You'd think after all that mustard he drinks he'd at least have a little bit of fat."

"I dunno."

Sans finished making dinner: which was microwaved pizza from the fridge. He set everyone's plates out and sat at the dinner table. 

Chara and Frisk sat at the table, eating calmly. Sans ate his pizza with a fork. Chara, of course, noticed this, and decided to start more sh*t. "Why do you eat pizza with a fork?" she asked. "Maybe because he LIKES using forks to eat pizza." Frisk muttered. "Yeah, i do. Is that a problem?" Sans growled.

"Nooooo it's not." Chara said and  looked away. "Welp I'm going to go  watch a movie in the theater, so byyyyyeeeeee" Chara got up and went to the door. "It's locked still!" She shouted. "Turn the lock thing!" Frisk said, impatiently. "I did and it's still not working." Chara said. "Must be a ghost." Sans said. 

Chara suddenly dropped her keys. "A g-ghost?!" She said, looking terrified. Sans sighed. Here we go again. Chara started laughing, unable to act scared. "Eat me, not Sans! He's got no meat on his bones!" She literally fell on the floor, laughing. Frisk and Sans sighed in unison.

"Why didn't i just go live with Papyrus...." Sans wondered, muttering under his breath. "Why the heck did you even live with him in the first place? he's a skelly...." Chara said. Sans facepalmed. "Chara, i told you before, I AM A SKELETON!"

"Wait, what?" Frisk looked confused.

"Sans is a skeleton?!"

"OH MY GOD YES, YES I'M A SKELETON!" Sans yelled, irritated. 

"Well I have a few things to go take care of." Frisk left randomly  and went to her room.

That left Sans confused, but looking at Chara, who was gaping. 

"Everything makes sense now." Chara said. 

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