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Let's do this NaJ style! Here we go!

Fresh was walking through the hallway, his head ducked down to avoid attention. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, only using one hand to keep in in place. Which was a bad idea on his part, considering his current problems with a particular group of people he didn't get along with.

And by 'didn't get along with', he meant they hated his nonexistent guts. He had tried his very best to keep himself from the center of attention, but what with the 'jocks' trying to hunt him down like wild animals every day, that was becoming a big problem. A worse problem than trying to figure out how he was going to pay for his own goddamn rent, that's for sure. Because it was becoming a life or death situation. Every time he recovered from one of their 'fighting' sessions -it wouldn't even be a fight, it'd be a massacre pretty much- they'd beat him up again, even worse than before.

Why didn't he fight back, you ask? Well, other than being weaker than the average dust bunny, he didn't have any capacity to hurt. And what kind of example would he be setting, by getting revenge? He was just to nice to fight them outright. Though, he was smart enough to find out a way to prank them. But that was something for another time.

Now, he had to focus on getting all the way to class. He had to make sure he watched his step, because-
His though process stopped as he felt something shoot out in front of his foot, causing him to fall to the floor with a sharp burst of pain to his chin, elbows, and knees. Agh, frick. He wouldn't be surprised if he had a small crack on his jaw now.

A weight pressed itself on his back roughly, pressing between his shoulderblades. The foot on his back roughly stomped down after a moment, making a sickening crack heard. Fresh felt tears welling in the edges of his eyesockets, but he wouldn't allow himself to cry. Not until his attackers were gone, at least. "Oops. Thought he was a new rug." The pressure on his spine disappeared and footsteps were heard, heading away.

Frantic footsteps now approached him instead, and a pair of hands pulled him up. It was his best friend, Alphys. Relief filled Fresh's eyes as he saw her, and he smiled. "Thanks for the help, Alphys." He managed to say through his pain. "N-No problem, F-Fresh" the small lizard monster replied, smiling. "Do you need to get to the nurse? " She asked, now looking worried. "No, I'll be fine. I'll just be sore for a while..." Fresh reassured her and then turned to his bag, that was now on the floor, the contents of it scattered across the floor.

Fresh sighed and picked up the items, shoving them back in his bag as Alphys left for class. He winced when the bell rang in the process of picking up his stuff. "Crap..." he muttered. He had two options. One, be a complete wimp and hide for a while until next class. Two, go to class where the idiot who attacked him was. Unfortunately the student -named BP- was in the class with his other jock friends, Undyne and Paperjam.

Paperjam was the worst, he was the leader of them. While the darker colored skeleton never hurt him, he still laughed when Fresh or his friends were ever hurt. Though the jock had gotten a little quieter lately, at least around Fresh.
Fresh knew it was just because PJ was getting bored of him. They'd been beating him up all year, so they had gotten the chance to see every pitiful reaction he could give, several times over. So at least PJ had simply gotten bored.

Fresh now of course chose option 1. He ran into the boys bathroom and locked himself in one of the stalls. This was one of the less used bathrooms toward the far part of the school. He just sat on the lid of the toilet and started sobbing. Sometimes he wanted to take a knife to his soul. He was too weak to, though. He was all alone. But he had to stay here to help with Alphys. Every day he was beat up, but he had to keep coming. It wasn't like he could move anywhere else. Whatever, he would deal with it.

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