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A better Title would be "What the Fuck"

Red got turned into a uni-skelly, Blue got turned into a smol cat neko, and Sans was turned into a child.

Also, Underfell Paps {Edge} got a fluffy fox tail and ears. Damn nekos. 

Red was peacefully sleeping, when suddenly, something happened.

His room was now filled with two skeletons that looked like him..... but.... 'bluer.' The smaller one was looking around the room excitedly, his eyes shifted into stars and fluffy ears and tail fluffed out and moving with a mind of their own. The taller one, wearing a fluffy blue jacket, looked at Red, offering a lazy smile. "What the fuck is going on here?" Red immediately got hostile, getting out of his bed. Suddenly the larger of the skeletons turned.... smol. "What... the.... fuck...." Red was super confused. "Am i high?" He wondered out loud. "I'm Sans, this is Blue." Said the smaller-used-to-be-larger skeleton. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Red asked. "idk author-chan decided to put us here. And you have a unicorn horn by the way." Blue said. Red's hand flew to his forehead..... and he yelped, getting poked by what appeared  to be a horn. 

"Oh i swear to Asgore...." Read groaned. "Yep, i'm high. That's my only explanation." Red shrugged. "Welp Imma go stab someone while I'm a unicorn." He strolled out calmly. Then he was tackled by Blue. "Nya~!" Blue meowed and sat on Red's back. A faint 'what the fuck' was heard muffled through the carpet. 

An added weight appeared when a smol Sans sat on him too. Red groaned and then heard footsteps. "SANS WHY DO I HAVE- fox.... ears...." Edge paused, looking at the scene. Red being covered in two small skeletons and also having a unicorn horn protruding from his head. 

"Sans, what the fuck." 

A/N : Author-Chan was bored and didn't know what to write.

This probably won't be continued. 

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