108 | betrayal

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"Wait, I have to die?" I froze.

"Oh, did I say die?" Yokina's eyes widened. "No, I just meant that for dramatic effect. I'm just going to seriously injure you and drag you back with me unconscious. It's you two" -she indicated Ikari and Sakyū- "that have to die, I'm afraid. Zanko, if you will?"

The Mist ninja pinned my arms to my sides with a strong grip. No matter how much I struggled, he pinned me down tightly.

"Wait, why?" I asked. "Are you two buddies or something?"

"Zanko and I are from the same town," Yokina explained. "He's not really from the Mist, and I'm not really from the Stone."

"You didn't tell me why."

"Because who wants a stupid alliance?" Yokina rolled her eyes. "It's much more fun when all the villages are trying to kill each other. If we kill those guys, kidnap you and frame the Mist and Stone, boom! Full-scale war."

"So why not kill me as well?" I challenged.

"Sweetie, do you know how huge the reward is if I take you alive?" Yokina poked me in the forehead. "You're Miyoshi Uraka. The last living user of the Kekkei Genkai, am I right? Your bloodline is very special. Plus, even if I don't get my reward, I bet I could get a huge ransom. You're engaged to the Copy Cat Ninja, aren't you?"

"How do you know all that?" I scowled.

"I know everything," Yokina said dismissively. Ikari and Sakyū stood around watching, as if they didn't know why to do. I glanced at them, then at Yokina. Zanko was behind me, so I couldn't see him. I thought fast. Zanko was a lot bigger than me, so he had the advantage. Maybe I could turn that against him. I knew he wasn't wearing armour...

I channeled chakra into the sole of my foot and kicked hard at Zanko's leg. He yelled in pain, and his grip slackened just enough for me to twist myself free and draw my swords.

"Well?" I turned to Ikari and Sakyū. "Are you going to help me or do I have to take on all four of you?"

"You honestly think you'd survive against all of us?" Ikari raised an eyebrow.

"No, but I think I could kick a couple of asses." I shrugged.

Ikari snorted, but I saw him reach into his shuriken holster. "Cocky Leaf ninja. You wouldn't last five seconds against me."

"Who's cocky now?" I retorted.

Ikari didn't answer, slinging a handful of shuriken at Yokina. She dodged nimbly, with a swiftness I wouldn't have guessed of someone of her stature.

"I knew there was something weird about you." Sakyū shook his head. "Nobody's that happy, all the time." And with that, he sprang forward with impossible speed, knives extending from his palms. I watched in repulsion as his jaw split open and the top of his head fell back to reveal a swinging mace. Of course, he was a puppet master. I could see the real one a little way off, controlling his puppet with chakra strings.

I ran forward with the puppet, swords extended. Yokina leaped gracefully over the extended blades of the puppet, but I twisted, and in one smooth motion, slashed off her left hand. Yokina screamed in pain, and her perfectly orchestrated landing stumbled and she fell to the ground. Blood seeped from her sleeve, though she tugged it down and tried to use it to stop the bleeding.

I decided that she wouldn't be quite so dangerous with only one hand, and turned to Zanko, who was watching with a new fear gleaming in his eyes.

"I'm not afraid to kill you, you know," I said coldly. "But I'll let you go if you run now."

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