79 | this is taking forever

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We were undercover for almost six weeks before we finally picked up the trail of the guy we were supposed to be tailing. He was apparently very good at covering his tracks, since Kakashi had tracking skills to rival the Inuzuka Clan and still had taken so long to pick up his scent.

Of course, the fact that he was so well concealed struck up suspicion immediately. Kakashi decided to immediately get on the guy's case, which meant termination of our disguises and full ANBU stealth mode. We couldn't be seen at all from then on, or we risked inciting war between the two countries.

Kakashi nudged me lightly and pointed at a guy a little way along the path. He was very ordinary to the first glance. Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin. His face was passive, completely expressionless. What clued me in that he was more than he appeared was the way he walked. He had a slight heaviness to his step that suggested extreme caution, lingering on every footstep to make sure nobody was watching him. His eyes darted to and fro, regarding anyone who crossed his path with the highest suspicion. He was careful, but obviously clueless. He didn't seem to have any idea how suspicious cautiousness can be.

I was hiding in a tree at the edge of a path, Kakashi crouched next to me close to the trunk so we wouldn't be seen. I had provided some convenient cover using my Kekkei Genkai, though it wasn't infallible.

I'd estimate B, possibly A-rank, depending on the nature of information he sells. Kakashi used sign language to communicate to me without words, a practice that had become common between us when we were on stealth cases like this.

I agree. Not covered enough to be S. Do we go in? I signed back.

One moment. Kakashi pulled a scroll out of his thigh holster and started scribbling in it. It was a standard issue two-way communication scroll; its twin stayed with the Hokage at all times. Whatever Kakashi wrote would appear on the Third's scroll, and whatever response was written would appear on ours. They were usually only used in emergencies and for simple orders, since after sixty seconds everything on the scroll erased itself.

Kakashi put the scroll away and signed, follow, don't attack yet. Only if necessary.


So formal. Kakashi teased.

What can I say, I'm in professional mode. Eyes on the target, Hatake.

Sorry. Kakashi rolled his eyes and exaggerated the sign heavily, the silent way of saying, "sorrrr-eeeeee."

Our target was on the move. I merged myself with the trees and leaped between them, following completely undetected. Kakashi would be on my tail somewhere, moving slower to stay hidden.

I followed the man until I ran out of trees to follow in. He had walked off into an empty field, so I waited at the edge, watching intently. Kakashi caught up a few moments later and crouched beside me.

The man stopped suddenly, right in the middle of the field. "I'd say I'm impressed, but I'm really not. You did a mediocre job of tailing me at best, and I knew someone was after me before you even ditched those pointless disguises."

Was he talking to us? I glanced at Kakashi, who seemed just as uncertain as I felt.

"Ah, of course. You wouldn't understand me. Let me put it simply, Leaf ANBU. You did some things right and some things wrong. Firstly, you were way too obvious when you were trying to get my trail in the first place. I have friends all over the place who warned me there were a couple of foreigners asking after me. Although, the thing you did well were your disguises. I don't know your real names, or your real appearances. You have that advantage. You can come out, by the way," he added.

I glanced at Kakashi for confirmation, who shrugged. He's outnumbered, Kakashi signed. We can fight if it comes down to it.

"So how did you know we were here?" Kakashi asked, dropping down from the tree.

"I have excellent hearing. I heard you leaping from branch to branch, I even heard the rustling of your hands. Sign language? Clever. I couldn't make out exactly what you said. If you'd spoken aloud, however, regardless of how quietly..." the guy shrugged. "I'd hear every word."

I leaped off the tree branch I'd been hiding on and landed slightly behind Kakashi. "Are we going to kill this guy now or later, because I'd quite like to go home some time this year."

The man opposite is frowned. "I thought there was only one here."

"That means my stealth skills are up to par, then," I said. "Thanks for the assessment."

He frowned at me, then relaxed. "No matter. I don't plan on letting you kill me here."

"None of them ever do." I shook my head. "And how many end up dead anyway?"

"All of them." Kakashi's eyes narrowed behind his ANBU mask. It was true; Team Ro had a perfect mission record so far, and Kakashi was responsible for almost all of it. Of course, I didn't want to jinx it. The problem was just that when you put Kakashi and Itachi on one team together, there isn't a force in this world that can stop them.

"Are you implying that you're going to kill me?" our enemy snarled.

"Oh look, one that can actually think," I observed lightly. "So are you a criminal? What rank?"

"A-rank, for your information," he snarled. "I don't like where this is going."

"Wait, what rank are we?" I whispered to Kakashi.

He rolled his eyes. "Seriously? You're A, I'm S."

"How come you're higher than me? That is so not fair!" I complained. "Do you know how many people are dying to kidnap me?"

"Yes, I do." Kakashi sighed. "I have to deal with half of them."

"You're S-rank?" Mr. A-rank eyed Kakashi with new skepticism. "Who are you?"

"I'm not obliged to tell you my name," Kakashi replied coolly. "But some people know me as the Copy Ninja."

"You're the Copy Ninja?" A-rank paled. "And... you came all the way from the Leaf just to kill me?"

Kakashi appeared to be having fun with this little charade. He casually unsheathed Shiroha and inspected its edge. "That's right. And I'm sure you know already that I never fail a mission."

"Th-there are rumours." The enemy stuttered. "That you have... a Sharingan. W-we're advised to retreat upon sight..."

"That would be a good idea." Kakashi tore his gaze away from his blade and glared right at the enemy, Sharingan glowing blood red. "But it's really up to you, I'll kill you either way."

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