75 | problem solving... ish

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Itachi knocked politely on the door of the Hokage's office and waited for permission before entering. I saw the Hokage sat at his desk looking irritated, and Danzō was stood nearby.

"Miyoshi, Itachi." The cold formality in the Third's voice clued me in as to how angry he really was. If he had just been doing business with Danzō, I didn't blame him for being angry. Just the sight of that man ticked me off.

"Sir, these two Leaf Police were caught arresting innocent citizens of Konoha. They refused to stand down when ordered and spoke against the ruling system of our village," Itachi reported. I glanced at Danzō. A gleam had appeared in the leader's eye.

"This is exactly my point, Hiruzen," he said. "The Uchiha are becoming a liability. We ought to take action."

"And what do you suggest, Danzō?" the Third snapped.

"It was my fault." I cut in before Danzō could say anything. "I take full responsibility. These two are innocent."

I felt everyone's eyes on me. Itachi's curious, the Uchihas' incredulous, the Third's severe, and Danzō's malevolent. I kept my eyes fixed on the Third, waiting for whatever reprimanding was coming.

"Are you sure?" The Hokage asked. "The way Itachi reported, it sounded like it was their fault."

"I shall take whatever punishment is necessary," I said coolly.

"There won't be one." The Hokage sighed, and took a deep puff on his pipe. "Dismissed, all of you."

I bent down to untie the two Uchiha. They both stared at me as I cut through the wire that bound them. "Don't think I won't tell the truth the minute Danzō's gone." I hissed under my breath, just barely loud enough for the two of them to hear. Neither made any sign that they'd heard, but I knew they had.

"Why don't you come back with us?" Itachi offered once we'd left the office.

"Are you sure?" The sudden invitation surprised me.

"My father should know what happened," Itachi replied. "I am sure he would like to speak to you personally."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Depends on your perspective," Itachi said honestly.

I laughed, half nervously and half in humour. "Yeah, sure. It's not like I'm doing anything anyway."

Itachi led the way back to the Uchiha compound. The two Leaf Police that we were escorting followed without complaint, much to my surprise. It seemed that they'd calmed down since our fight earlier.

"I'll go in with these two first, and let my father know that you're here," Itachi said upon arrival, and led the other two Uchiha into the Clan head's house. I sat on the steps outside and took off my mask, which was suffocating my skin.

After a few minutes, I was approached by Itachi's little brother Sasuke.

"You're the one who looks after that loser, Naruto," he said.

"That would be me." I smiled a little. "Is he really such a loser?"

"Of course he is!" Sasuke scowled. "He can't do anything right, and he's so annoying and loud all the time. It's hard to concentrate with him in the class."

"Do you know why he's so annoying and loud?" I pressed gently.

"Why should I care?" Sasuke huffed. "I'm training to be a ninja, not a nothing."

"Do you know how hard he works when you're not looking?" I said. "He spends all his spare time training with me, and he might not be the brightest or the strongest or the fastest, but I can guarantee that he works harder than anyone I've ever met."

"I work hard too!" Sasuke protested. "Look at this!" He made some hand signs, swift and well-rehearsed as though he'd done this a thousand times, and made a pretty impressive Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu, not unlike Kakashi's.

"That was impressive," I commended him. "Does Itachi help with your training often?"

"I ask him all the time, but he always just taps my head and says, 'maybe next time'." Sasuke complained. "He's never around anymore, and when he is, he never wants to practice with me."

"You ought to be a little more patient," I advised. "Being in the ANBU is a tough job, and we don't get a lot of free time. Itachi's doing a good thing for his village."

"I guess so." Sasuke sat next to me and kicked his legs, which dangled just over the floor. "I just wish he would spend more time helping me. Everyone's always Itachi this, Itachi that, oh Sasuke, when're you gonna awaken your Sharingan? Itachi did when he was your age." Sasuke pulled a face.

"You don't have to be exactly the same as your brother, you know. You can just be Sasuke. If your parents wanted you to be another Itachi, they would have named you Itachi Number Two," I joked. "But instead, they gave you the name Sasuke, so that you can make it your own, and make your own legacy. You can be completely different to Itachi, and you can be even better than him if you really put your mind to it."

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked, charcoal eyes blinking owlishly.

"Miyoshi Uraka."

"So what does your name mean to you?"

It was a sharp question, and it pierced me right in the chest. What did my name mean to me? People said 'Miyoshi' either in exasperation that I'd done something, or in panic that they needed me to do something.

"Well..." I began. "My name is for other people to use. I'm a medic, so it's my job to help others. People use my name to get help, and because of my name, they know that I can be there for them. Although," I added, "most people just yell it because they're annoyed at me."

Sasuke laughed at that. It was a cute laugh; one note, short and sweet. "The Uchiha name means a lot to a lot of people. Sometimes that's all people see in me, just my Clan. What about your last name?"

I was reminded of many painful memories that I chose not to share. My Clan name meant so much it was almost dangerous to share. Thankfully, I was spared from that by Itachi, who came out and told me that Fugaku wanted to see me.

"Oh, I have to go. I'll see you around, Sasuke!" I smiled at the raven-haired boy, who smiled back.

Itachi led me into a room where Fugaku was waiting on his knees, sunlight filtering in through the screens. Itachi knelt, and I did the same.

"I owe you thanks," the Uchiha Lord began stiffly, "for what you did for my subordinates. Itachi reported the whole story, and my understanding is that you took the blame for their misdoings in order to spare them from punishment by the Council."

"Yes, sir. I didn't want to cause any problems, and if I may speak freely, Danzō is just one big problem in himself. I thought it best to avoid misdirecting his wrath."

"By misdirecting it onto yourself?" Fugaku quirked an eyebrow.

"Better one person than a whole Clan," I said, lowering my head in respect. "I do not wish for tensions within the village to be any worse than they are now."

Fugaku sighed. "So you've noticed too. From one Clan head to another - yes, you are a Clan head," He added when I looked at him in surprise. "From one Clan head to another, this village is a protection. For ourselves and for our people... or the people that once were. Yet I cannot help but wonder if our current government is really doing the best for the people."

"You and me both," I grumbled. Fugaku glanced at me sternly. "Ah, forgive me. It's just that I've always said, people over politics. I have a lot of issues with the way this village is run, but I also believe that even the most decent person can be caught up by the politics and the responsibility. In my opinion, while the Third and I see differently on just about everything, he's the best man for the Hokage seat at the moment."

Fugaku nodded slowly. "I see your reasoning. Well, that's all I had to say to you. My thanks once again. You are dismissed."

I stood and left the room. Itachi stood to follow, but Fugaku called him back for something. I passed Sasuke on my way out, but decided to go back to my house instead of talking to him further. It was getting late, and I needed food and sleep. Fresh salad sounded really good right then.

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