10 | december 9th

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Picture is Miyoshi with her genin team

The lake sparkled deep blue in the winter sun, dusted lightly with snow that just couldn't settle. Leafless trees swayed gently at the edges. It was bitterly cold, yet I stood at the edge of the lake wearing a thin wetsuit, gazing reflectively over the water.

I took a slow, deep breath and dived in.

The freezing water stabbed through me, but I found it oddly refreshing. I swam up the the surface and took a gulp of air, relishing the cold. I swam a few laps of the lake to warm up, finding it slightly more dense than normal, due to the fact that it was halfway frozen.

"Didn't know you swam." A familiar, monotone voice snapped me back to reality, and the cold came rushing in all at once.

"Kakashi." I acknowledged the silver-haired ANBU captain with a sigh.

"Any reason you're freezing yourself to death?" he asked, and I twisted myself to look at him, treading water a few metres from the edge. He was reading that perverted book of his, not even looking at me. He wasn't dressed in his ANBU uniform, but in typical Jonin attire.

"I wanted to try learning some water-style jutsu. Plus, swimming is good exercise," I said.

"That lake is half frozen."

"I'm aware," I responded dryly. Knowing I wouldn't be able to swim much with him around, I climbed out of the lake, painfully aware of how my wetsuit clung tightly to my body.

"So why are you swimming in it?" Kakashi dragged his eyes away from his book, and met my gaze. It was always so hard to read his dark eyes, especially with that dang mask in the way. He always just seemed indifferent to everything; the only exception was when he was going all-out in battle, but then I didn't like looking in his eyes, for fear of the killing intent that lingered there.

"Felt like it," I replied simply. "It's my day off, I can do what I want."

There was a pause. Kakashi was staring at his book again, but he hadn't flipped a page in a while.

"I could teach you some water style, if you want," he suggested, almost hesitantly.

"You can use water style?" I'd always thought his chakra nature was lightning, what with the Chidori and all.

Kakashi shrugged. "Wouldn't be much of a Copy Ninja if I couldn't use all five chakra natures. Do you want me to teach you or not?"

"I was going to ask Teren, but I guess you'll do," I teased. Kakashi snorted, and put his book in the ninja pack at his thigh, and stepped out into the lake. I followed, using chakra control to walk on the water.

"So what do we do first?" I asked, leaning on one leg casually. Kakashi had his hands in his pockets, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.

"Taijutsu," he replied. "We're going to spar, using Taijutsu only."

"That's hardly fair. We both know your Taijutsu is much better than mine."

"That's why we're doing it." Kakashi seemed already thoroughly fed up. "The lake is the border. Leave it, you lose."

"So the idea is to keep you off the lake?"


"Mind explaining how this will help me get the hang of water style?"

"I really can't be bothered. Are you ready?"

I rose onto the balls of my feet, preparing to have to dodge a hard incoming attack. "Let's go."

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