39 | academy days

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Naruto attempts to steal Miyoshi's Leaf headband (you'd be amazed how much this happens. Wait, it's Naruto... maybe you wouldn't be so amazed)

I knocked on Naruto's door. There was no answer. I sighed; he was probably still sleeping. That meant I would have to break in and wake him up myself, which I really wasn't feeling like doing today.

"Naruto! Wake up!" I yelled, banging on the door. Still there was no response.

I groaned, but I didn't have any other choice. I pulled out a senbon needle and slipped it into the lock, jiggling it around until I heard a click. The door swung inwards, and I stepped inside and shut it behind me.

"Naruto!" I yelled again. Of course, I knew my efforts were fruitless. When Naruto wanted to sleep, he slept and nothing short of the apocalypse would wake him up. I barged into his room to see him lying on his bed wearing nothing but shorts, his sheets discarded on the floor.

"Naruto!" I huffed for the third time, shaking him until he moaned and swatted my hands away.

"Go 'way, I'm sleeping..."

"Naruto, you're going to be late for the academy! Get dressed now, I'll make breakfast."

"Wait, what?!" Naruto exclaimed, jolting out of bed. "It's today? You should have said so, believe it!"

"Get dressed!" I called from the doorway and headed into the tiny kitchen space.

I scanned Naruto's cupboards, but all I could find were stashes of ramen. I need to fix that, I thought. Finally, I discovered a half-full box of cereal. It was the only decent thing in the whole place, so I poured out a bowl of it and went into the fridge for milk.

The fridge was almost empty, and when I poured the milk there wasn't quite enough to fill the bowl. I sighed; I'd have to go out shopping for him in the evening.

Naruto came down a few minutes later wearing his normal clothes. "When are we leaving, big sis?"

"As soon as you eat your breakfast." I pointed to the bowl of cereal on the table, then turned to the sink and started rinsing some dishes. Naruto's home was a complete mess; not surprising, considering he was the only one around to tidy it. I wondered how long these dishes had been sat. There was also a large pile of laundry that was sat next to the washing machine, dirty and crumpled. I glanced at Naruto, wolfing down his cereal like there was no tomorrow. I'd have to teach him to clean up after himself.

"I'm done, believe it!" Naruto announced, dropping his bowl in the sink. "Let's go!"

"Alright, get your shoes on," I told him, shutting off the water and drying my hands. Naruto pulled on his ninja sandals and raced out of the door, almost forgetting to wait for me. I locked the door behind us, and kept the key. I didn't trust that Naruto would be able to keep it safe among all the excitement of the Academy.

Naruto was practically sprinting over to the Academy in his excitement. I had to jog a little to keep up, especially since he was holding my hand and dragging me along. When we finally arrived, there was already a crowd of parents and kids waiting to be admitted. I nudged Naruto, and we joined the queue behind a man with his son. They were obviously Naras; they had identical dark hair, intelligent eyes and both wore the Nara crest.

The father turned and greeted me with a lazy sort of wave. "Hey there. I'm Shikaku and this is Shikamaru. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Miyoshi." I bowed respectfully. "This is Naruto."

"Hi!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

✔️Heal My Heart {Kakashi Hatake}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang