83 | i agressively yell at politicians

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I teleported just outside the door to the council room, where Kakashi and Itachi were standing guard.

"Good luck," Itachi murmured as I knocked on the door. "I don't think they're in a very good mood today."

The door swung open before I had a chance to respond, and another ANBU allowed me entry. His mask was multicoloured, a sign that he was one of Danzō's personal ANBU. The Root.

"The council recognises Miyoshi Uraka, daughter of Mizuro Uraka, deceased, and Izame Uzumaki, deceased. You may take a seat," said yet another ANBU in an emotionless drone. I sat in the only empty space of the circular table, between Fugaku Uchiha and an elderly councilman I recognised but didn't know. I was already ticked off and the meeting hadn't begun yet; they just had to rub it in that my parents were dead. They could have just omitted that part completely.

"The council will now begin," the Hokage said from his position a few seats away from me.

I took the opportunity to assess the crowd. There were mostly people I didn't know, plus Fugaku, the Hokage, Danzō, Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka (though I hadn't realised they were important enough to be here) and the Feudal Lord. By the way everyone was dressed, I guessed that half of them were with the latter. They were all wearing very smart yet not very movable suits and perfect silk. The ninja in the room were easy to tell apart, because they either wore straight up flak jackets or clothing that had lots of pockets and hiding places, and was easy to move in. Then there was me, literally carrying two dirty great swords on my back.

A councilman I didn't know cleared his throat and stood up. "The subject of this meeting is a demand made by the Fugaku Uchiha on behalf of the Uchiha Clan. They have demanded that the council reverse its prior decision to strip the Leaf Police Force of authority over shinobi of lower rank. Lord Danzō, you may speak."

The councilman sat down, and Danzō stood. "The Uchiha have no right to be making such demands. The decision of the council is final. The Leaf Police Force have been exploiting their authority to an unacceptable degree in the past. Just this year, two members of the Police were caught trying to arrest an innocent civilian man for charges that did not apply at the time."

"If I may interrupt," I said coolly, standing up. "Not that I care if I may or not. I was the one who caught them, and I would just like to point out that no injustice was committed."

"There was destruction of property for the ensuing fight, that I understand the Uchiha began," Danzō said smoothly.

"And I accepted full responsibility for their actions, with yourself, the Hokage and Itachi Uchiha as witnesses." I narrowed my eyes dangerously. "No charges were pressed on the occasion."

"You were partially responsibly for the destruction of property," Danzō pointed out.

I spread my arms out. "Then I'll pay for it! I accepted full responsibility, meaning that the Uchiha in question will be considered innocent. There is no need to press charges against the Uchiha."

Danzō gritted his teeth and glared at me.

"Lord Hokage!" I looked to the Third for support.

"Hiruzen!" Danzō glared dangerously at him.

The Hokage sighed. "Miyoshi is telling the truth. She did accept responsibility for that incident, and as such the Uchiha are immune from any resulting charges."

"Exactly." I glared at Danzō. "Anything you'd like to add?"

"Only that you should watch your manners when speaking to your elders," Danzō growled.

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