94 | finishing him

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Teren and Yūgao led the way out of the village, having picked up a slightly stale trace of Kakashi's chakra. I couldn't tell who was the better sensor, so I just assumed they were equal. Then again, not being a sensor myself, I could have missed something that they were aware of.

We travelled for what felt like days, but the sun refused to sink below the trees, taunting me from its place in the sky. Every moment we didn't know where Kakashi was, I felt panic settle in. In my mind, the calm, rational medic was trying to battle the panic and fight it off, but it wouldn't leave completely.

"You okay?" Yūgao asked, turning her head to look at me.

"Fine," I replied tersely. "Can you sense him?"

"The trail is definitely getting stronger," Yūgao replied. "I think-"

"Get down!" Itachi yelled suddenly from the back. We dropped from the trees to the ground just as a series of paper bombs went off. I felt the heat from the explosion burn the skin of my exposed face and raised an arm to try and protect it.

"What the hell was that?" I demanded, my panic turning into anger very quickly.

"That was my welcome gift," said a surprised, almost offended voice, and Kokuyōseki dropped down from the tree line to face us.

"Tell me where Kakashi is, now," I growled threateningly, sliding Hokori and Yorokobi from their sheaths, gripping them so tightly my knuckles turned white.

"Now now, princess, don't be so hasty." He chuckled menacingly. "He'll be fine for another... oh, an hour or so?"

"A- an hour?!" My breathing quickened. "What did you do? Why an hour?"

"Settle down, he's fine. For now. After that, well, he may experience some adverse affects from blood loss," Kokuyōseki said casually.

"The obsidian," I whispered fearfully. I had Lyashinoha in my first aid kit, but I had to actually reach Kakashi in order to treat him. Even if I managed to do that, what would I find?

"Clever girl, she's figured me out," Kokuyōseki appraised sarcastically. "Has she also worked out how to beat me this time?"

"Yūgao, Tenzō, Itachi, do you remember last time?" I called to the three ANBU on the team.

"Like it was yesterday." Yūgao unsheathed her katana. Tenzō got himself into a fighting stance, while Itachi's Sharingan swirled into life. I recognised the pattern of the Mangekyō and wondered, since when does Itachi have that?

"Teren, Guy, stay on your toes and don't let that blade touch you," I said.

"Aye aye, captain!" Guy exclaimed.

"Got it." Teren nodded, more controlled. "Does that mean we stay out of the way?"

"Yes, unless you have an opening," I replied. "This guy's much more dangerous than he looks."

"Dangerous, am I, princess?" Kokuyōseki mocked.

"For the last time, would it kill you to use my name?" I snapped.

"Oh, but your highness, it is unbecoming!" Kokuyōseki exclaimed. He suddenly twisted to the side as a kunai flew past where he had been just a heartbeat before. I glanced across to see that it had been thrown by Itachi, whose Mangekyō was working rapidly.

"Teren, Guy-" I began, but was cut off when a Kokuyōseki clone appeared behind them. They both leaped out of the way quickly, and turned to face him. "Never mind," I muttered. I had been about to ask them to go and look for Kakashi, but if Kokuyōseki wanted to get in the way... fine.

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