40 | outbreak

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Miyoshi in the mornings, left as a sketch because I'm late and lazy~~

I was woken sharply at two in the morning on a hot June night by loud banging on my front door. I groaned as I rolled over to pick up a shirt to put on, wondering who in their right mind was awake and knocking on my door at two in the freaking morning.

It would be an understatement to say I was rather quite alarmed to see Kurenai at the door, half-dressed and crying.

"Kurenai, what's up?" I asked, drowning in concern.

"I- it's my mom," she sobbed. "She's ill and she's not getting better."

I was on high alert in an instant.

"And what's wrong with your mom, Kurenai?" I questioned. There was a chance that I could still do something.

"Her face went red and hot when she was sleeping, like a fever, and she looks like she's in pain so I got scared and tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't."

"Alright," I murmured. "I'm just going to leave a note here, then I'll come and see what I can do about your mom."

"Why are you leaving a note?" Kurenai asked.

"I'm expecting Kakashi to come over and help with something," I replied, scrawling quickly on a scrap piece of paper. I was expecting Kakashi to come over at some point to continue my training in water style. I left a quick message on the table telling him that something important had come up, and to come and find me at Kurenai's if he needed me.

"Show me where your mom is," I told Kurenai, and she led me out the door and down the streets. I realised as she was guiding me that I had never actually been to Kurenai's before, and had no idea where she lived.

Kurenai opened the door to a fairly small house, and hurried up the stairs. I followed her hastily into a plain bedroom with the curtains drawn, completely enveloped in darkness. The scent of illness was strong, and I felt anticipation of what might be waiting crawl up my back.

"Can we turn the light on?"

"Yeah," Kurenai pulled away and flicked the light on. Once I'd recovered from the sudden flash of brightness, I saw that there was a woman lying on the bed, clearly running a high fever.

I went to work immediately, inspecting every one of the woman's vitals. I took her temperature, blood pressure, and measured her breathing. Kurenai loomed on the other side of the bed, an ever-present shadow of worry.

"Can you tell what's wrong?" Kurenai asked.

"It seems like a fever, but... how long has she been ill?"

"She was fine earlier in the evening," Kurenai responded. "Why, is something wrong?"

"The symptoms suggest that she's had this fever for days, but if she was fine this evening..." I let the sentence dangle, unsure of how to finish it. The fever was getting worse by the minute, and I worried that I wasn't going to be able to heal her in time. The way things were looking, she would be gone by morning if left unattended.

"Is there anything you can do?" Kurenai pleaded.

"If there is, I'll do it," I replied determinedly, already reaching into the small bag I'd brought with me. It was my first aid kit, but I'd modified it quite significantly so it now it contained masses of leaves, roots and flowers from various plants that each had a different function.

"Kurenai, can you get a bag of ice?" I asked the dark-haired kunoichi. She was just sitting in the corner and worrying, and I knew that it would be good for her to have something to do while I worked, so I decided to put her to good use. She seemed relieved to have an excuse to get out of there and do something to help.

While Kurenai was gone, I took the time to shift her mother into a position that would make it easier to work. I discarded the blankets completely, and lay her on her back. As I brushed her hair out of her face, I noticed the resemblance between her and Kurenai.

Kurenai came back in a moment later, carrying a small freezer bag full of ice. I took it gratefully and placed it on Mrs Yuuhi's forehead. Her temperature was so high I was worrying that she was getting too hot. There was sweat pouring down her forehead and dripping down her face in great drops. I had been trying to wipe it away with cool, damp tissues but all my efforts were in vain.

"She'll be okay, right?" Kurenai asked. I could hear the barely-concealed edge of panic in her tone.

I lifted my gaze to meet Kurenai's scarlet eyes. "Listen, Kurenai... her fever is really high, and it's getting worse by the minute. I'm doing what I can, and with some luck she'll recover, but I can't make any promises."

Kurenai hesitated for a moment, and I could see the emotional turmoil on her face. "She'll be fine. You're the best medic around." She sounded like she was trying to convince herself. I knew that feeling well.

"I hope you're right," I whispered sincerely, then refocused my efforts on my ever-worsening patient.

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