70 | snow ninja

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"Big sis! Miyoshi! Miyoshi!"

The loud yelling was accompanied by fierce banging on the door. I groaned and rolled over to read the time on my alarm clock: seven thirty, and I was supposed to be having a day off.

"Naruto, I'm sleeping, go away!" I yelled back, pulling my pillow over my head to try and block out the noise.

"But sis! It snowed!"

The small child in me instantly perked up, and I rushed to the window to check. Sure enough, the ground was covered in what was easily six inches of powdery white snow.

"Give me a minute to get dressed!" I called to Naruto. "I'll be right there!"

I pulled on the warmest clothes I could find, and wrapped myself in a thick winter coat and a bright blue scarf that hung on the coat pegs by the door. My winter boots were tucked away in a corner, and it took me a minute to find them, but as soon as they were strapped up I flung open the door to greet both Naruto and the thick snow.

"Look, I made a snow-clone!" Naruto pointed to a dent in the snow that was oddly child-shaped.

"Watch this!" I told him, and flung myself backwards into the snow and swished my arms and legs around. When I stood up, I pointed out the shape. "See? It's a snow angel!"

"I wanna make one!" Naruto exclaimed. He laid down backwards and waved his arms around to make the wings of the angel. I couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness.

"Hey Naruto, I've got an idea. Let's go to the park!"

"Why?" Naruto asked, getting up and brushing snow off his back.

"It's a surprise." I winked and picked Naruto up, placing him on my shoulders so I could run at almost a full sprint - though of course, carrying someone weighed me down a bit.

The park was just as thickly covered as the house had been. Kids were running around with their parents, and already the snow was patchy with footprints and snow angels.

"Naruto, you've got to roll up a really big ball of snow, 'Kay?"

"How big?" Naruto asked, already packing snow into a ball.

"As big as you can make it!" I grinned. "I'm gonna make one too."

"Why?" Naruto pushed his snowball around the ground, and as it accumulated snow it slowly grew bigger.

"You'll see!" I smoothed out my own ball of snow. Naruto had stopped rolling his and collapsed against it, though it was now bigger than he was. "Hey, Naruto, that's great!"

I picked up my ball of snow and placed it precariously on top of Naruto's. A little more snow around the join held it in place.

"What is it, Miyoshi?" Naruto asked.

"It's not finished yet." I fished in my pocket and pulled out a handful of pebbles. Naruto watched with wide eyes as I arranged them into two eyes, a smile and three buttons. Next, I pulled out a small carrot.

"Bleugh!" Naruto gagged at the very sight of it. "I'm not gonna eat that thing, believe it!"

"No, silly!" I laughed. "Look, it's going to be his nose." I pushed the carrot into the snowman's face. Then I had an idea, and untied my forehead protector, replacing it around the snowman's head. "Now he's a snow ninja!"

Naruto picked up and armful of snow and dumped it all over himself. "I'm a snow ninja too, believe it!"

"You're not a ninja yet, buddy," I said, brushing snow out of his hair. "Give it a few years, maybe." I glanced up, and noticed, barely visible through the snow, a silver haired man walking casually down the street.

"Hey, Kashi!" I called to him, and waved when he looked up. He changed course to join me and Naruto with the snow ninja.

"What's this?" he asked.

"It's a snow ninja, believe it!" Naruto announced excitedly. His blue eyes were bright and innocent, with a certain glow that could only manifest itself in a child's eyes. In my opinion, it was a phenomenon of nature that ought to be preserved.

"A snow ninja?" Kakashi repeated, eyebrow raised. His gaze flickered up to me. "Have you ever been in a snow ninja battle?"

"That sounds amazing!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Naruto's on my team!" I said immediately. There was no way I was letting Kakashi have my baby on his team.

"Fine by me." Kakashi shrugged, then fast as lightning scooped up handfuls of snow and flung them at me. I ducked out of the way just in time.

"Get him, Naruto!" I yelled with a grin, stocking up snowballs.

Naruto didn't need telling twice. Being six, he had no finesse whatsoever and simply hurled armfuls of snow in Kakashi's direction. Kakashi allowed a few to hit him, for Naruto's sake. My snowballs, however, he dodged as if they were kunai. I ended up making a stockpile of snowballs, and firing them projectile style like shuriken. Kakashi fired them right back at me, so while Naruto distracted him I dug a scoop in the snow and built a wall to duck behind when Kakashi fired snowballs at me.

"Hey, Shikamaru!" Naruto yelled, picking out the little Nara kid nearby. When Shikamaru turned, Naruto flung a snowball at him, and it seemed that target practice had paid off, because Shikamaru was hit in the face.

"What a drag," the dark haired kid mumbled, already scooping together a pile of snow to throw back.

A snowball hit me in the back of the head suddenly. I turned around and saw Kakashi holding a couple more.

"A shinobi stays on guard at all times, right?" he teased.

"Shut up, you." I started to form hand signs, but before I could make the second one, Kakashi stopped me with a snowball that hit my hand.

"No jutsu, that's cheating. And no Kekkei Genkai, either," he added, seeing me glancing around for plants that had escaped the thick layers of snow.

"You know me too well." I grinned, and caught him with a concealed snowball.

"And you know me," Kakashi acknowledged. "You realise this means war?"

"It already was," I informed him. "Why else do you think I built a war base and stacked up ammunition?"

"Oh, I just thought you were eager."

"Still technically true, I suppose. Ha! Got you!"

"I let you!"

"Keep telling yourself that, Kashi!"

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