12 | why do they always kidnap women. so sexist

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Picture is Miyoshi and her family

I woke with a start, shivering despite my thick blanket. My alarm clock informed me that it was five in the morning. I didn't expect Teren or Garake to be up this early, but there was no point going back to sleep if we were leaving at six.

I headed into the library to clear up the mess I had made last night, and ran through Pa's archives again to find anything about Grass ninja or the village itself. There wasn't much, but I did find a very short scroll that mentioned a little about some of my ancestors moving to the Grass village. I didn't see how that would be helpful, but it was the only thing I had found so I put it in my weapons pouch with the mission scroll.

Finding nothing else of any use, I gave up and decided to get a head start on making breakfast. I couldn't cook to save my life, and quite often went out to a tea shop nearby when I was hungry. However, I had been taught a little by my mother, so I figured I could always try something simple.

I went out into the garden first, to harvest some herbs. The sun still wasn't up, and there was heavy fog in the air. I hoped that wouldn't hinder our travels, but the dew that clung to the leaves would help the plants stay fresh. I was glad about that, at the very least.

I chose to take some cuttings from the chives. I hadn't planted them too long ago, and they had just reached the peak of height, so I had to harvest them now anyway.

I didn't really know what the other two wanted to eat, though I figured that Garake wouldn't be fussy at all and Teren wasn't really adverse to anything. The only real guideline was making something I couldn't ruin.

I ended up getting some eggs out of the fridge and cracking them in a jug. Chives went well with egg, from my memory. While the egg cooked, I fished out some bread and on an impulse, grabbed some cheese as well.

The scent must have woken Teren, because he came ambling into the kitchen half-dressed.

"What's cooking?" he asked through a yawn, stretching his arms.

"Breakfast, when you put a shirt on," I replied. "By the way, do you want your bread toasted?"

"Why not. I'll go wake up Garake."

"Don't forget your shirt!" I called as he headed back out again.

The two of them came in just as I ladled the egg-chive-cheese mixture onto the toasted slices of bread. Teren, thankfully, was now wearing a shirt. Garake was wearing a very fluffy onesie, and looked like he was still asleep. I handed them each a plate with the food on it.

"What's this?" Garake asked blearily.

"I'm not sure, I kind of just made it up." I shrugged. "It's egg, chive and cheese on toast."

"Sounds good." Garake proceeded to shovel it into his mouth without even picking up any chopsticks.

"Didn't know you could cook." Teren looked up at me pointedly.

"I can't, actually. This is literally the best I can do. I'm amazed I didn't burn it," I replied with a little laugh.

"It's good," Garake supplied, his mouth full.

"There's spare if you want some," I said. "We should get ready to leave soon, though."

"Aye aye, captain!" Garake shovelled all the leftovers into his mouth and hurried off to his room to pack his bags. I sweatdropped.

"I've already packed," Teren assured me.

"I have too."

"How early did you wake up?" he frowned.

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