14 - They Walk In On You Doing Something Embaressing

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Hey guys! I️ know it's been a while, and after this Preferences is up things SHOULD go back to normal. I️ had a bit of a rough time recovering and I️ wasn't allowed to use my phone as much, but now I'm (mostly) recovered. So please bear with me for this REALLY LATE preference.


You thought you were alone. You thought today, since the Paladins were going to be gone for a training thing that you'd be allowed to sing as loud and awful as you wanted without being embarrassed.

You were currently listening to some pop music, terribly singing as you cleaned your room. You half hit a high note as you threw a dirty shirt into the laundry bin.

"That's a nice voice you have."

Shiro's voice startled you and you dropped the laundry basket in surprise, landing on your foot. You turned to glare at the Paladin, picking up the basket and moving past him. "It's not good so don't lie to me", you said, sticking your nose in the air as you marched down the hall, Shiro following you.


You were sitting in one of Pidge's labs, your head in your hands, staring at the screen. "This is completely pointless!" You said with a groan, slamming your hand on the desk.

You wanted to, for once, impress Lance and learn Spanish. And believe me, it wasn't going well. You were still stuck on the basics, and Pidge's computer wasn't helping you get past that specific part.

"E....en la...damn it!" You said. You took a deep breath and glared at the Screen. "Que asco", you mumbled. Your face brightened at the correct way you'd said it, jumping out of the seat you clicked the enter button to move on.

"What's awful?" You heard someone ask. You slammed the computer shut and turned, facing the Blue Paladin. "N-nothing", you mumbled, sitting down with your arms covering the computer.

Lance yanked the computer from your hands, opening it up. A smirk grew on his face as you got up to leave. "Aww you're adorable", he said, smiling at you as you left.

"S-Shut up!"


Keith was tired after the training Shiro had forced him to do because he felt he was "slacking off". He just wanted to sit with you for the rest of the day, no work, no Paladins, no training, just you.

You, being shy you, thought he'd keep training until after dinner, which hadn't been made by Hunk yet.

Currently sitting on Keith's bed and reading was passing time quicker than you realized. You started to turn the pages quicker, gripping the book tighter as your eyes scanned the pages, absorbed completely. You didn't hear the several times Keith was calling you. You felt lips on your forehead and jolted back to reality, looking up with an embarrassed face.

"Sorry", you mumbled. He gave you a half smile as he kissed your forehead again, lifting your arms up to lay his head in your lap. You blushed.

"Your humming is c-cute", Keith complimented, making you turn your attention to your book once again. "It's embarrassing..."


You were cooking some food for yourself as a snack, since lunch was long ago and Hun wasn't around.

You stopped to clean and accidentally left the pan on, burning the pan's contents. "No!" You screeched, throwing the burnt pan in the sink. You turned the water on, not hearing Hunk walk in and come up behind you. "Did you burn the pan?"

Your eyes narrowed at the pan as you scrubbed as hard as you could. Hunk took the pan from the sink and threw it away. "We'll get another one soon, just don't burn any pans again", he said, kissing your nose. You lightly punched his arm. "You're making me more embarrassed by saying that", you said, glaring at him. He gave a chuckle and smiled.

"It's not embarrassing", he said, taking your hand, "come on, let's go."


Pidge wanted expected today to be normal, no fighting between Lance and Keith, no annoying instructions from her leaders, nothing. She didn't expect to walk in on her girlfriend drawing.

Pidge crept over to the girl silently, before looking over her shoulder. It was a drawing of Pidge, but it was a more realistic one that made Pidge look beautiful, something she didn't see herself as.

"That's quite the sketch", she said, breaking the silence and scaring the shits out of the girl. You slammed the spiral-bound sketch book closed and sighed. "D-did you see it?" You asked. Pidge nodded. "And it's really good honey", she said, pecking your lips before stealing the sketch book. "Let me see the others!" She yelled, running out the room and down the hall. You chased after her, screaming and crying that you were embarrassed.


Allura and you knew everything about each other. Everything was always open, which made for a happy relationship. However, recently she's seen less and less of you, both emotionally and physically.

You looked like you'd lost a couple pounds, which made your stomach a little more toned when she did get to see you. She finally followed you one day to the training room, where she saw you lay out a yoga mat. You started to do the yoga routine Shiro had taught you, until you were interrupted by Allura's voice.

"You look so peaceful", she said, walking over to you, "you have been avoiding me to make yourself feel better?"

You nodded, looking away with a face of red. "Shiro taught me how and I️ felt it was a nice way to give me some strength...it turns out it's quite embarrassing..", you said as Allura slid her arms around your neck. She kissed you deeply, making you wrap your arms around her waist.

"You're so strong", she mumbled. You gave a small smile as she dragged you out. "But we are having a long day together!"


Lotor has been busy lately, interrogation, renewing the universe, etcetera, etcetera. He was upset he couldn't see you as much, but he had duties ((haha immature Author)).

You on the other hand, were actually glad he was gone. You missed him, but it gave you time to write some poems. It was your favorite pass time, and often you'd find yourself doing them when Lotor wasn't around, just because you didn't think he'd like them or would laugh at you about them or worse, yell at you for neglecting duties to write them.

You were writing one afternoon in your small notebook you carried everywhere you went when you felt hands grab them from your lap. "Hey!" You said, looking up to see Lotor. His eyes immediately started to scan the pages and you stood up, reaching out to grab the book.

When he was finished, he closed the notebook and gave it to you, kissing you quickly before you whispered a small and red faced "welcome back" to him, making him smile widely.


You honestly knew one day Matt would catch you doing something stupid. Today happened to be that day. You were sliding around in your socks, discovering the slippery floor.

You accidentally missed a step when you heard your door open, sliding into the wall. Matt let out a laugh before helping you up. "Hey gorgeous", he said, kissing your lips sweetly. You kissed him back, hoping your embarrassing slide would be forgotten.

He pulled away and chuckled, pressing his forehead against yours. "Good thing the castle's security goes into your room. The whole thing's on tape~", he said, running out. You ran after him. "MATTHEW HOLT I️ SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU POST THAT ANYWHERE ILL KILL YOU!"

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