Chapter 2

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*Authors Note*

OK... somehow I bet you weren't expecting that little bit of fun! hehehe I'm not going into all the yadda yadda of what happened after that bombshell... I mean seriously... it was a conversation, an explanation and in this next chapter it will all be explained in a simple easy to read get past it way. Enjoy!

Play nice now! MMB


She smiled as she put the phone down. Six weeks ago James Winter had come into her office as an enraged client only to walk away a couple of hours later to become one of her newest friends and now it was like they'd always known each other. The ever so gorgeous 'Mr Smyth' was actually the entertainment manager for the company in which he worked and yes that entertainment sometimes meant the hiring of escorts to keep the clientele happy. The short moment of disappointment, well really, it was a damn thud, that had him going from hunky bachelor to being an adorable mardi gras queen had been one of the best moments in her life!

They spoke daily, they spent so much time together that there were times that people actually asked if they were a couple. They laughed it all off, keeping their secret and letting the world believe what it wanted to believe.

Today's phone call had come from an excited James to say that his brother was in town and he wanted her to meet him. Begs and pleads from James meant she was going to his house tonight when she really wanted to go home because Caleb was only in town for one day. On the upside it was promised that there would be caramel cream pie for dessert; she loved when James cooked!

She spent so much time at James' place it was like a second home. Saturday nights were the best. They'd hole up in his bed watching movies and eating whatever goodies he'd made for them and at the end of the night they slept together in his bed. It meant nothing. Just two friends sleeping. She blushed as she remembered two Saturdays ago but to be honest it didn't worry her at all. It did however make her determined it wouldn't happen again. Last Saturday night she waited till he was asleep and put a pillow between them. If dry humping in his sleep was a common thing for him then from now on he'd be humping the pillow and leaving her ass alone!

Winter Fury - R-Rated -Pt 1 Completed First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now