Chapter 18

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We bounced up the wall to meet Rico, Mikasa, Hanji, Armin, and an unconscious Eren. A garrison Lieutenant called for Rico, so she bowed and left. Hanji and Levi Squad escorted the kids down to headquarters, leaving me and Levi standing on top of the wall. However the moment of peace was soon interrupted.

"Lieutenant Akiyama, Corporal Levi, off to headquarters," said Erwin behind us.

"Understood," said Levi as he picked me up again.

"Why am I not surprised," I said.

"Just shut up and enjoy the free ride," he said as he boosted off the wall.

"I'd rather be flying through the air then in the arms of you," I said.

"Well why didn't you say that back in the alley?" he asked.

"Fair point," I admitted. We arrived at headquarters and we went down to the infirmary. Thank goodness the other injuries were merely just scratches, but my head injury meant I would have to sit out for two weeks.

"Is Akiyama able to leave?" Erwin asked as he opened the door to the infirmary.

"Yes sir, but she is still very fragile. She'll have to sit out for another two weeks," the nurse said.

"Alright then. Come along Akiyama," he said as he left the room. I quickly followed behind him and caught up so we were side by side. 

"What do you need sir?" I asked.

"I need you to talk to Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert. We need to squeeze as much information out of them as possible, and I doubt Levi, myself, nor Hanji are fit for the job," he said as he approached another door. "When you are done, meet us in the dungeons." Erwin quickly opened the door and shut it behind me. It was simply a lounge room, used for when families are being briefed about their loved one's death. On the small padded seat was Armin and Mikasa was pacing around. They looked up at me as I opened the door and entered.

"Where's Eren?" she asked as she walked over to me. 

"He's being held in the dungeon. He's fine though," I reassured her.

"Please let me go see him," she said as she tried to get to the door.

"I'm sorry but you're not allowed," I said. 

"Come on Mikasa, he'll be fine," said Armin as he held back Mikasa. "What brings you here Lieutenant?"

"I need a full explanation of what happened," I said. They sat down and told me of how Eren got eaten, but reappeared as a titan and started fighting the others. "Thank you for your cooperation. Someone will escort you back to the training grounds barracks in a bit," I said as I left the room. I shut the door and told a nearby soldier to take them back. I then headed down to the dungeon's on Erwin's orders. I slid open the door and walked towards the light at the end of the stone hall. There was Levi and Erwin, with Eren asleep behind bars. "Commander, Corporal," I said as I walked into view.

"Lieutenant," acknowledged Levi.

"How's Eren?" I asked as I peered in between the bars.

"Just passed out after we talked to him. He'll be fine but we have to schedule a trial soon," Erwin said.

"Great. I'm guessing that the Military Police want his head?" I asked.

"You got that right," said Levi in the corner.

"I'll be off. Oh, Akiyama," said Erwin as he began to leave.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to take care of those three kids and Levi Squad from now on. After all, Yaeger is being assigned to Levi Squad if he gets out, and it is important to keep watch over him," he said as he left.

"Yes sir," I said. In the corner of my eye, I could see Levi glaring at Erwin's back as he slid open the door and left. "I'm guessing you're not too happy about this."

"Why should I? I'm getting another supervisor and Yaeger is being assigned to my squad if he is proven innocent," he said.

"Well I didn't know it was that terrible," I said with my arms folded. 

"That's not what I-" Levi began but he caught himself mid sentence. "Come on, let's go." We slid open the door and left, assigning two soldiers to guard the cell. We walked up the stairs to our rooms and I put a hand on my door handle. However, Levi took my wrist and dragged me to his room. He threw me in and closed the door. 

"Never thought I'd be back in here again," I said as I picked myself off the floor. "What's the deal Corporal?"

"You know the drill. You get injured, you're in here. And besides, we haven't seen you in three years. Don't you think it's time to catch up?" he said as he took off his boots. 

"Jeez you sound terrible when you flirt..." I muttered.

"What was that?" he asked threateningly.

"Nothing!" I said surrendering with my hands. I took off my boots and jacket and put them on a chair. He frowned at the sight of uncleanliness but I just laughed it off. I flopped down onto his bed spread my arms and legs out, taking in the comfortable mattress. "Wow, the mattresses here are better than I remember. I guess the ones at military training are just hard as stone," I said as I closed my eyes. 

"No matter how hard those mattresses are, they don't compare to how bad they were in the underground," he said as he sat down on the bed.

"No kidding. I didn't really have a bed after my mom died though," I said.

"Lived in the streets?" he asked.

"Yeah. I know you lived in some kind of shelter," I said. "After all, I got a pretty good look of it when I crashed out on your door frame."

"How could I forget..." mumbled Levi. I laughed it off and I saw him crack the smallest smirk. I smiled back and went over to the window. I pushed the curtains to the side and opened the window. 

"Look at how bright the moon is," I said as I put my hands on the window sill. Levi joined behind me and put his hand on my head and pulled me closer to him. My back was soon pressed against his stomach as his head rested on top of mine as our hands intertwined. He smiled and went over to close the window. He closed the curtains as I sat back down on the bed. I then started to remove the straps from the harness on the 3DM gear that were now digging into my sides. Levi did the same and started to unbutton his shirt. I felt my face turn red as I sharply turned around and went to Levi's dresser to put down the belts and harness. I didn't bring any nightwear so I just stole one of Levi's shirts that was big enough to drape down over my waist. I turned around to make sure Levi wasn't looking before I unbuttoned my shirt and put on Levi's shirt, taking my trousers off in the process as well. I turned around to see a topless Levi sitting on the bed, watching me. "Levi!" I said as I blushed.

"You never told me to turn around," he said calmly.

"But you should still respect my privacy!" I said.

"Well you should respect my items because I'm pretty sure that's my shirt," he sighed. I sighed as well and got into bed. He walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in as well. 

"I guess it's out of the question for you to sleep on a cot or something?" I asked as he put his head down on the pillow right next to mine. 

"It's my room and besides we've slept in the same bed before haven't we?" he said as he brought his face close to mine.

"I guess so," I said. He smiled before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a deep embrace. We both fell asleep in each others arms, with not a care in the world.

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