Chapter 3

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"Oh sorry Hanji, I was just talking with the new recruits," I said guiltily.

"FOR TWO WHOLE HOURS?!" she screamed.

"Jeez Hanji, you're going to wake everyone up!" whispered Petra.

"Fine. What's with you and these rookies anyway?" said Hanji.

"Well I knew Isabelle from my childhood and i had a bit of a....not so pleasant experience with the other two in the past," I said.

"Alright then, you're off the hook this time but you seriously need to start monitoring yourself. If you don't get enough sleep then you won't be able to perform as well outside the walls," said Hanji.

"I know. Thanks for looking out for me," I replied as they left. I crossed to my bed and flopped down onto it. What's wrong with me? Why should Levi's opinion of me affect me? And why does my past keep having to bring itself up? I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I drifted off to sleep. I awoke with the sound of banging on the door. I scrambled out of bed and opened the door.

"Hey Nanami!" said Farlan and Isabelle.

"Oh hey! I just woke up come in," I said.

"You went to sleep in your uniform?" asked Farlan. I looked down and sure enough I was in my uniform, boots, jacket and everything.

"Ah I guess I didn't realize that last night when I fell asleep," I laughed nervously.

"Well you missed breakfast, so we decided to bring you up some things," said Isabelle, handing me a small satchel. I looked inside to see a piece of bread, a potato, and a small jug of water. 

"Thank you!" I said smiling. 

"Well we're going to head out, we're supposed to meet with Squad Leader Flagon with Levi in a bit. We'll see you at training!" Farlan said, exiting with Isabelle. As soon as they closed the door, I went straight for the food. How kind of them, I thought to myself. I then tidied up myself and my hair and headed out for the training grounds. I grabbed my horse and my 3DM gear and rode out. Hanji's going to be so mad for me being late... I arrived a few minutes later and I gave my horse to a soldier near the stables. I walked on over to the open field and I felt something tackle me to the ground. 

"Nanami," said Hanji.

"Y-Yes?" I replied nervously.

"Last night I said that that was your last chance. Now you get punishment," she said. I couldn't see her face, but I could tell she was grinning from ear to ear.

"What do I have to help you with this time?" I asked not daring even mentioning the word 'experiment'. 

"Well uh, I kind of pissed off Flagon earlier and he's forcing me to train the rookies since that ass doesn't want to do it himself," she said clambering off of me.

"Well that was certainly more tame than I thought you were going to say," I said straightening up.

"Are you asking me about my exper-" 

"No no no no no no no no!" I said, cutting her off.

"Ha ha, I'm just kidding," she said helping me up. We sauntered on over to the rookie training grounds to see Isabelle riding a horse.

"Yahoo!" she exclaimed. I smiled to myself watching her ride around. Flagon came up to us watching Isabelle. 

"She's pretty good at this," I said.

"I guess so," said Flagon. "Okay Hanji you can take Horse Girl, I'll take Blondie, and Nanami you can have Tiny," 

"Alright then, let's get to work!" exclaimed Hanji as she walked up to Isabelle. I sighed and walked over to Levi. He was examining the 3DM gear. 

"Are you here to teach me something I already know?" he asked.

"Depends on what you know," I said.

"Tch. Let's just get this over with," he said.

"I gather you know how to shoot the hooks and move using the gear," I asked.


"Do you know how to use the blades properly?"


"I'll take that as a no," I said. I took his blades in my hands and held them with the ends pointing downwards, like I was instructed in training. "These are the blades. Hold the blades with the sharp side downwards at the ground. When slicing the nape of a titan, make sure to get a clean shot first, and then angle the blades in such a manner that will allow you to use enough momentum to cut it. The cut should be two meters wide and ten centimeters deep to kill the titan," I instructed. 

"Alright then," he said as he took the blades from my hands and shot into the air. He swung around and attached a hook to the back of a titan dummy's neck. He hoisted the blades up but he held one blade behind him while circling into for the blow. He then spun in the air several times to gain momentum, slicing the nape with utmost efficiency. 

"Good work, however that unnecessary movement used up too much of your gas," I said. "Out in the field it is very important to save as much gas as possible."



We had just finished eating in the mess hall and Hanji and I started to head back to our rooms. 

"Where's Petra?" I asked.

"She's talking with Oluo and Eld. She'll come in a bit," Hanji said. We reached my door and we bid each other goodnight as I slipped inside. I closed the door delicately and peeled off my jacket and boots. I fell onto the bed and instantly fell asleep.

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