Chapter 11

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"Levi?"I asked as I whirled around in my wheelchair.

"Out. Now," he snarled at me.

"Levi you're not my superior. You can't give me orders," I said wheeling up to him.

"Yes, but I am your assigned caretaker. You are unfit to make decisions on your own in this state so I make them for you," he said. We glared each other down and I felt a push on the back of the chair. I turned around to see Hanji with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Good night Nanami!" she said as she slammed the door behind us. I sighed and wheeled down to my room but was held back by Levi.

"Levi what are you doing?!" I growled as I struggled to loosen his grip on my wheelchair.

"You're staying with me tonight. You can't be trusted alone," he said simply. I felt myself blushing as he brought me along. 


It seems like hours had passed and I still hadn't fallen asleep due to Levi's restlessness. I lay on his bed while he was tossing and turning on a mat on the floor. I turned my head to see Levi on his side on the floor, curled up in a ball. He let out a sigh and fumbled with the pillow and at this point I had had enough. I delicately moved the sheets of the bed and sat up silently. I then got down on the mat behind Levi. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled myself closer to him. He became stiff at my sudden appearance but soon relaxed into my grip.

"Words are born into air

And quickly fade out in the wind
But they find their way inside you
Where they live on forevermore...

When skies are dark and full of rain
Look inside your heart
The light, so warm will and all aglow
Shining just like the sun.

You can see, just how much you've grown
How strong you are..
A love will open up to you
And it starts from the day that you,
first heard those words." 

I sang softly. I remember when my father would sing that song to me on nights when I couldn't sleep. I closed my eyes and smiled, thinking of him. Suddenly, Levi turned around in my hold and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me closer to him until we were pressed up against each other. He put a hand on the back of my head and put it under his. 

"Thanks," he whispered into my ear. I blushed and closed my eyes, sinking into his embrace. A few moments later, I heard soft breathing, showing that he had fallen asleep. I smiled and fell fast asleep in his arms. I awoke the next morning at the sound of hushed laughter. I squinted slightly to see Hanji and Erwin standing over us, holding back their laughter. I just snapped my eyes shut and decided to just have this moment with Levi. We all stayed like this for a while before Erwin sighed and poked Levi in the cheek.

"Tch. What is it?" he said as he sat up. I sat up too to better take a look at Hanji who was now shaking with laughter on the ground.

"Way to take our advice Nanami!" she said clutching her ribs for air.

"Hanji! I didn't do anything!" I stammered.

"Yeah right!" she laughed. I blushed and punched her in the arm.

"Well come down the meeting hall once you're done you two. We have things to discuss," said Erwin as he dragged Hanji out by her collar.

"See ya!" she said with a wink. I blushed even more as Erwin shut the door behind them. 

"Tch. Asshats," Levi grunted as he took my arm and hoisted us up. He then turned around and headed for the wardrobe, leaving me trying to balance with a faulty leg. I fell back onto the bed behind me sweating from the pressure put on my leg. Levi came over and sat down on the bed next to me. He threw my uniform in my face along with a comb. "I'll be outside. Call me when you're done," he said as pulled on his jacket and boots. He then left the room and shut the door behind him. I made sure that the door was completely closed before I changed. I combed out my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I neatly folded my clothes and put the comb on top. 

"Come in!" I called. He opened up the door and went for my wheelchair. We left the room and went down the hallway and through the mess hall to the meeting hall. We took our designated spots, with Hanji right next to me. After a long speech about new formations and upcoming expeditions, Erwin then had something actually exciting to share with us.

"After their brave show of fighting spirit at Shiganshina, I have decided to promote Captain Nanami Akiyama to a lieutenant, meaning she will no longer have a squad of her own, but a commanding wing in the field," he said. I was stunned as Hanji slapped me on the back. "Along with Lieutenant Akiyama, Levi Ackerman is also now our newest captain. Everyone is dismissed," he said as he got up. He had a hand on the door knob before he called out to Levi, "I suggest you start to find some members for your new squad, Captain Levi."

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