Chapter 27

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"A titan shifter!" Levi breathed out. Soeur's previously dark brown hair transformed into a matted mess. Lightning and steam erupted through the base as she burst through the ceiling. I dropped Frere to the ground and immediately went into Lieutenant mode. This may be a family matter, but I'm not letting any of my soldiers fall to a titan. I grabbed Mikasa and pulled her up against a wall that wasn't already destroyed.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about me, what about you Lieutenant? You're covered in injuries," she said worriedly.

"I'm fine. Get out of here, but don't use your 3D gear, she could easily grab you. The underground is full of alleyways," I said as I pushed her towards the exit. She nodded and ran off. "Levi!" I shouted as I looked around the base. He was staring up at the titan and down at Frere and then to me. He began to run over to me before a large amount of rubble came crashing down through the ceiling.

"Nanami!" he yelled. I immediately began to paw through the wood and stones to get to Levi. I eventually made an opening and got through. I stumbled through but he thankfully caught me and pulled me up. "I got you."

"Thanks, Levi," I thanked him as we shot up through the ceiling using the 3D gear. He held me up as we gathered our surroundings. Several Survey Corps soldiers were seen flying around the titan and attempting to cut it down. It looked like Eren's titan form, but with longer and more wild hair. She screeched menacingly and swatted down a couple of soldiers. That didn't keep them down however as they reached around and began attacking again.

"What in the hell is happening?" Levi whispered.

"This is all my fault," I muttered. Levi shook his head and threw me over his shoulder he blasted off towards the hill.

"Shut up. I don't want you hear say anything like that again, okay?" he said as he approached the rest of the Survey Corps. I nodded as we touched down next to Erwin.

"You got her out?" he said.

"Yeah, but we got a titan shifter on the loose," Levi said as he put me down.

"Can you still fight, Lieutenant?" he asked. I nodded. "Then get some 3D gear. We can't spare a single soldier in this battle."

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think it is wise to put the Lieutenant in there," Levi growled.

"Why not?"

"Because that titan is her sister and after her blood! We can't risk her like that!" he ended up shouting.

"It's fine, Levi. I can handle myself," I reassured him as I adjusted the last buckle on the harness. "Armin, you're with me."

"Yes, sir!" he saluted as he walked over to me.

"What's the plan?" Levi seemed to have calmed down from his little outburst and joined my side.

"We'll be using the narrow city streets to our advantage. If we come at her from all sides, she would be caught off guard and would have no where to go," I said.

"Pretty flimsy plan if you ask me," Levi grunted.

"Well, if you've got a better one, pipe up!" I exclaimed.

"Don't mind. Let's go," he said as he blasted off the hill towards Soeur. Armin and I followed shortly behind and we soon arrived at a rooftop where Mikasa was standing.

"Nanami!" she yelled as she ran over to me. I gave her a quick hug and we focused on the task at hand.

"Levi, Mikasa, you know what to do," I said. They nodded and both circle around Soeur and maximum speed, slicing up her arms and legs with ease. "Armin, go organize the other troops." He headed off as well. Her wounds seemed to be healing faster than the average titan's but she was distracted none the less. I hopped in there and went directly for her eyes, stabbing them out with my two current blades. I hopped up onto her head and went for her nape, but she protected the weak spot with her hands. She turned around and swatted me down to the ground.

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