Chapter 7

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"Let go of me!"

"Levi, she'll be fine. The doctors here are top notch."

"Tch. That doesn't assure me anything four eyes!" Why am I so concerned about her? Its not like I have any connection with the brat. At the moment, a nurse exited the room and approached Erwin who was holding back.

"Sir, Captain Akiyama will survive, but she has a broken leg and a large laceration on the waist. We estimate her to be back in fighting condition in a couple of weeks," the nurse said.

"Thank you. Go attend to the Captain," said Erwin.

"You see Levi, she'll be fine," said that four eyes. After struggling for a while I eventually gave up and stalked back to the barracks. They felt so empty and alone without Isabelle and Farlan.

"Come on big bro!"

"You can trust us, Levi!"

Isabelle... Farlan... I know they were close with Nanami, especially Isabelle. If I hadn't been so ignorant and selfish, they would still be in this room, talking with me. Nanami's right, I killed them. 

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to myself as I curled up in a ball. Falling asleep was always a problem for me, especially now with my friends gone. 


"What time is it?" I asked myself. It had been at least several hours and I wasn't able to get a wink of sleep. Without thinking, I pulled myself out of bed and headed over to the infirmary. I don't know what made me walk over there to see Nanami, but it was like a piece of Isabelle and Farlan were holding onto her. I opened the door cautiously to see that Nanami was the only one in the room. I walked over to her bedside to see her sleeping peacefully. I lifted up the sheets slightly to examine the wound and saw that the bandages covering her waist were soaked in blood. I crossed to the counter with bandages. I carefully removed the blood soaked one and rolled out the new one. The cut was large and deep so I wrapped up her waist with the new bandage. Her face was in pain and there was a single tear running down her cheek. I wiped it away and I bundled her back up. I sat down in the chair next to her and fell asleep. When I awoke, I could see the sun slowly crawling up into the sky, illuminating Nanami's face. I changed the bandages again and sat back down. 

"I knew you were in here Tiny!" said Hanji as she thundered through the door.

"What do you want asshat?" I said back to her with a glare.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how much you seem to care about her!" she said leaning up against the wall.

"It's a soldier's duty to take care of their comrades isn't it?" I said, not loosening my glare on her.

"What a terrible excuse," she muttered.

"What did you say four eyes?" I growled.

"Nothing! Anyway, Erwin wants to speak with you. Best get a move on!" she said as she moved out of the room.

"Tch." I closed the shades so she could sleep more peacefully and left the room. Why would Eyebrows need me? I stepped into Erwin's office and shut the door. "What do you want?"

"I realize how much you seem to care about Captain Akiyama. From this point forward, you will be her associate on her squad," he said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Not exactly. We'll be having another expedition in a couple of days and I suspect that Captain Akiyama will still be injured. So you will have to lead her squad in place of her on this upcoming expedition. Clear?" he said.

"As crystal," I said walking out of the room. I walked back to the infirmary and opened the door to Nanami's room. I sat down in the chair and realized she had a fever. I treated her with a towel dipped in cold water as I gently dabbed in on her face. I smiled to myself, memories bubbling to the surface.

"Isabelle, I think you have a fever."

"What? Big bro it's fine!"

"No it's not. How are supposed to work with you sick?"

"Big bro!"

"You stay here today."

"Hey that's not fair!"

Isabelle... she was always so reluctant to do whatever I said. Of course the one time I actually wished she disobeyed was the time that got her killed. 

"Levi, you can't just stay cooped up in here worrying over her all day," said a voice behind me I recognized as Hanji's. "We have training let's go."

"Tch. Fine."

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