Chapter 1

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"What are you doing in here brat?"

"I'm sorry, I got lost."

"Tch. Leave before you get on my nerves brat."

"Don't tell me she-"

"Fell asleep."

"Well, what are we going to do with her? We can't just leave her here."

"Pick her up. I know what to do with her."

Some time later...

"So, what now."

"We throw her up there and leave her."

"What?! If we put her up there, she'll be found by soldier in the morning and be thrown back down here or get killed!"

"Exactly. We throw her up there, she wakes up thinking she has been saved, and then gets caught and killed. She's off our hands and it sounds to her like we're doing her a favor."

"If you say so, Levi."

Startled, I woke up and looked up at the wooden paneled ceiling. Why? That day was years ago. Why did I think about them now? I swung my legs out of bed and stalked on over to the shared bathroom. Being a captain in the Survey Corps, I was able to have my own room but that didn't stop Hanji and Petra from coming in from time to time. 

"Good morning Nanami!" said Petra cheerfully.

"Morning Petra," I said.

"What's wrong? You seem out of it?" said Hanji creeping into the room.

"It's nothing... I just had a strange dream," I replied, going to wash my face. The person I saw in the mirror no longer looked like the cheerful child years ago, but a tired and disheveled being. I smiled thinking of my childhood. Although it was harsh and cruel, the fact that made it cruel also made it happy and cheerful. The dark cannot exist without the light and the light cannot exist without the dark. I guess that is what helped me cope with the cruelty of the world and my childhood...

"Isabelle! Wait up!" I laughed.

"Aw Nanami catch up! You're so slow!" Isabelle said. We ran through the underground marketplace, chasing each other through the alleys and having a fun time. We crashed down in an alley after a while, laughing and smiling. We had been friends for as long as I could remember and she was really the only person I was close to. 

"I had fun today Nanami," Isabelle said.

"So did I." I replied.

"Well I have to leave now, I need to help my mother out since her legs aren't working anymore," Isabelle said standing up.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as she walked away. I sat there resting for a minute before getting up. I didn't have a place in the underground city since my parents were dead and I didn't have enough money for one. I just slept on the streets and stole to survive. I walked down the street looking for a good spot to settle down for the night when I ran into someone. "Sorry sir, I didn't see you there," I said looking up at this man.

"You'd better be. But I'm not in the best of moods today so I think I'll take it out on you." he said. He grabbed my wrist and raised a fist but I quickly dodged as he swung down and I kicked him in the stomach. He cursed in pain as he let go of my arm and I ran. You shouldn't underestimate my speed based on my tiny stature because I could go fast. I ran and ran, looking for a place to hide when I saw a open door. I knew I would be punished or even get into worse trouble by walking in, but from what I could tell, it looked safe. I ran inside and slammed the door behind me. I slouched down on the door and regained my breath. I heard footsteps but I was too tired to even move at that point. I looked up and saw two boys, they looked to be a year older than me staring down at me. One had black hair and beady eyes and the other one had sandy blonde hair. The one with black hair started first.

"What are you doing in here brat?" he asked. I stumbled to get to my feet as I responded.

"I'm sorry, I got lost," I lied. I felt my conscience slowly fading as I spoke. I soon fell asleep and I don't remember much after that. I woke up slowly being slung over the shoulder of the boy with brown hair. I still pretended to be asleep, but listened in on their conversation to determine where I was and what was going to happen to me. 

"We throw her up there and leave her." I heard the boy with black hair say. What did he mean? I opened my eyes a bit to see we standing in some sort of cavern with the ceiling caved in to be open to the night sky. I had never seen the sky or stars before so I was astounded.

"What?! If we put her up there, she'll be found by soldier in the morning and be thrown back down here or get killed!" I heard the boy carrying me say. I understood immediately. If you somehow get enough money to get up to the surface or if you break your way through, you wouldn't be able to go far since you don't have citizenship on the surface. You would get thrown back down into the underground and if you were having a bad day, you would get killed by a soldier or by someone else down in the underground city if you returned.

"Exactly. We throw her up there, she wakes up thinking she has been saved, and then gets caught and killed. She's off our hands and it sounds to her like we're doing her a favor." I heard the black haired boy say. 

Is he out of his mind?!  I thought to myself. Oh no, I'm not going down without a fight.

"If you say so, Levi." the boy carrying me said. Without even breaking a sweat, he hoisted me off his shoulder and chucked me onto the ledge. I hit a large boulder when being thrown and I couldn't move. I felt my conscience fading again as I angrily watched the two boys leave. I lost my conscience and fell asleep. 

"HELLO?! NANAMI!" I heard Hanji screaming.

"Oh sorry Hanji, I spaced out for a second." I said drying off my face with a towel.

"Good you're back to us. Let's go down to the mess hall." said Petra as we pulled on our uniforms. We left and walked down to the mess hall. All through breakfast I couldn't stop thinking about that day. When we finished we went down to the courtyard and waited for instructions for the day. I heard footsteps on the platform and I looked up to see Keith and three others filing onto the platform. 

"Attention, all!" he said and we all sent our attention up at him. "From today, these three will be fighting alongside you all. Introduce yourselves," he said looking at the rookies. I focused my attention to the rookies and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from swearing. There they were, the sandy haired boy and that short black haired boy. Not only were they here with citizenship on the surface but they were with...

"Isabelle?" I whispered silently to myself.

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