Chapter 10

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"She's fine, she just needs rest," I heard the nurse say. "She can stay in her own room now since she just needs rest and we got a lot more injured in here."

"Thank you," said a voice I recognized as Erwin's. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but I felt a sharp pain in my side. I struggled upwards and sighed, seeing Hanji and Erwin with worried looks on their faces. Levi looked emotionless as always. As if on cue, my whole squad burst through the door. Petra ran over the bed and held me in a tight hug. 

"Petra you're going to squeeze the poor life out of the captain," I heard Eld say. 

"Shut up," she replied. The nurse bowed and left the room, leaving me with all of them. 

"How was the expedition?" I asked nervously as I squirmed out of Petra's grip.

"We lost some good men and no information was discovered," said Erwin.

"I see. I'm guessing Shiganshina is now titan territory," I said.

"Add that to all of wall Maria, and you'd be correct," said Oluo. 

"All of wall Maria has fallen?! Was it that 50 meter titan as well?" I asked surprised.

"No, another not the colossal titan but another titan that we're calling the armored titan for now," said Hanji. We all stayed there with our heads down, coming to terms with what was left of humanity.

"Anyway, I need to plan the next expedition now that wall Maria has fallen," said Erwin, breaking the silence. "And I will also need one of you to look after Nanami until she is fully healed." He exited the room and we were all left there with no clue on what to say next.

"How was Levi as your captain?" I said smiling up at my squad.

"He was fine I guess," said Oluo. I sighed and looked up at Eld and Gunther who smiled.

"He was a good leader. I would be glad to fight at his side again," said Eld.

"Tch." said Levi, turning away. He seemed to be surprised.

"We'll be going, we're on cleanup duty this week," said Petra as she pushed my dumbfounded squad out of the room.

"Well I have to go as well, I need to research the new species of titans. Have fun you two!" said Hanji getting up and walking towards the door.

"Oi four eyes get back here!" said Levi walking towards Hanji but that clever fox shut the door in his face. Levi smashed his fist on the door in anger towards Hanji. He just stood there for a while before heading over to me and the wheelchair. "Come on, let's go," he said. I nodded and stumbled into the wheelchair. He pushed me down the hallway and opened the door to my room. He pushed me in and leaned up against the the door frame. "I've been moved in here and I'm just a few doors down. If you need anything then just ask," he said plainly as he walked out of the room and closed the door. I sighed and went to the open window. The curtains blew slightly in the wind and the moon lit the room with soft blue light. I set my elbows onto the window sill and looked out at the stars dotting the beautiful night sky.

"Papa, what is the sky like?"

"This book says that the sky is infinite, and that it is a light blue in the daytime and that it turns dark in the nighttime."

"The night sky seems scary. How can people see in the night?" 

"Well the night sky has little twinkling stars that shine against the dark night sky."


"Yes, and there is also a bright white orb in the night sky called the moon. It's light shines during the night and makes nighttime less scary!"

"I want to see the sky and moon and stars one day Papa!"

"Maybe you will!"

"Father..." I said as tears streamed down my face. I stretched my hand out to the sky, touching the moon and stars. I sat there for a while until my tears subsided and I gently rested my chin on the window sill. I heard the door connecting the bathroom and my room open to see Hanji and Petra standing there. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked them.

"Well there's a spider in our room and..." began Petra.

"And you need my assistance?" I finished. I smiled to myself, knowing that two of the Survey Corps' best soldiers are arachnophobic. 

"Y-Yes," said Hanji nervously. I nodded and wheeled around through the bathroom and into their room. 

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Next to the desk," Petra said nervously. I grabbed a piece of paper and led the spider onto it. I then let free out of the window.

"Now..." I said turning around to them. "Hanji, I thought you were developing research and Petra, I thought you and the rest of the squad had clean up duty in the mess hall this week."

"Well, we might have lied," said Petra as Hanji fell down laughing.

"Lied?!" I exclaimed.

"You should have seen the look on his face when I left the room Petra! It was priceless!" said Hanji, laughing. "I guess Tiny was intimidated by the hottest soldier to ever join the Survey Corps!" 

"Hanji!" I said as my face turned red.

"Oh come on Nanami, use your looks to finally catch someone!" said Petra laughing.

"Maybe not your flat chest though," laughed Hanji as I slapped her.

"What's going on." said Levi as he opened the door.

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