Chapter 28

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Levi's POV:

"Corporal!" Mikasa shouted as I landed right next to her. "Where's Nanami?" Nanami and Soeur were now having a full on battle right now, neither side winning nor loosing. They were both at a disadvantage as they were both exhausted from previous fights, but neither of them were willing to give in. 

"She's one of them," I said reluctantly. "The one with brown hair."

"She's a titan," Mikasa breathed. All of a sudden, she started taking off towards the titan brawl. I immediately shot back after her and grabbed her. "Let go of me! I have to kill that other titan! I have to save her!" 

"Shut up and listen to me, kid!" I shouted at her. "If you want her to live, you have to let her finish this battle. It's hers and hers alone. If we interfere, we'll all die!" Mikasa growled under her breath before following me back up onto a roof where we could watch the fight. It was a full on slug fest as they were both the same height in titan form and they both knew each other's weak points. I recognized some of their fighting styles; Nanami being quick and light on her feet to make up for her lack of strength and Soeur using the traditional grounded style of combat seen in the underground. 

They were both equally matched, until Soeur got underneath Nanami's strike and got her right in the gut. Nanami stumbled backwards, but Soeur gave no chance for her to regain her composure. She let out a stream of relentless attacks, and she wasn't able to keep up. 

"Nanami!" Mikasa shouted at the top of her lungs as I held her back. Nanami was onto the ground, face down with Soeur towering over her. She struggled to cover her nape, but Soeur grabbed her hands and broke them. Soeur bent down next to her face and let out a violent roar before grabbing Nanami's nape and pulling it out. Mikasa began to struggle under my grip.

"Stop! If you go down there, you'll die!" I shouted at her. 

"She's going to die if I don't!" Mikasa shouted back. You could see the immediate grief and sadness in her eyes before she got out of my grip and went full speed at Soeur. Soeur wasn't able to block in time, as Mikasa swept right underneath her arm, cutting it clean off. 

"What the hell," I muttered before jumping down there myself. Mikasa's rage seemed to be fueling her fight with Soeur so I decided to swoop in for Nanami. Thankfully, Soeur didn't bite Nanami out of the nape. I began to cut her free, but her skin kept on regenerating faster than I could cut. From the corner of my eye, Mikasa was swatted down my Soeur. I ran in and grabbed her, getting as far away from them as possible.

And so the fight ensued. Nanami seemed to have new adrenaline and rage as she fought against Soeur with all her might. Her war cries reverberated throughout the entire Underground as she continued to thwart Soeur. She eventually got the upper hand on her, pinning her to the ground. She stood up carefully, with one foot on Soeur's chest. With the other, she kicked Soeur right in the face, breaking her own foot at the same time. 

Soeur's blood painted the city walls red as it sprayed everywhere. But Nanami wasn't done. She flipped Soeur over like a rag doll and pulled her out of her nape as if it was nothing. She tossed her unconscious sister aside and began to run towards her. That's when a few of the Survey Corps soldier decided to interfere. Nanami swatted them away without a second thought and went back to her rampage against Soeur. 

"Levi, I trust you with my life. So now, I trust you to kill me if needed. If I put anyone in danger, don't hesitate to end my life."

I'm so sorry...

I landed on Nanami's head and went straight for her nape. I bit my lip down in grief as I realized what exactly I was doing. The woman who had saved me from the darkest pits of hell, the woman who had loved me no matter what, and the woman that constantly put herself in danger for others, was the same woman who I would be killing. I raised my blades, and everything felt like it was in slow motion. I felt sharp tears sting at my eyes as I slashed down. 

Two meters wide, ten centimeters deep. 

Blood poured from the wound as her titan form slumped over and began to disintegrate. 

Mikasa swooped down and furiously pushed me aside. She dug through the wound and pulled out an unconscious Nanami, on the brink of death. Her left arm was cut clean off by my strike, and she was bleeding profusely. Nevertheless, she still opened her eyes. 

"Nanami!" Mikasa shouted. "Don't you dare close your eyes, don't you dare give up on me!" 

"M-Mikasa," Nanami struggled to speak. She eventually gathered enough strength to push Mikasa aside. She stood, and wobbled slowly but surely over to Soeur. She fell to her knees and brought her sister up to a sitting position. Miraculously, Soeur opened her eyes as well. 

"Y-You..." she growled. 

"I can't kill you... You're my sister after all..." Nanami grinned. Soeur mumbled something that neither I or Mikasa could hear, to which Nanami nodded. Soeur pressed something into Nanami's hand before slumping over. Even from my distance, I could see that her chest was no longer moving up and down. She was dead. 

But not even ten seconds later, Nanami collapsed too. 

What have I done?

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