Chapter 26

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Levi's POV:

"Come on, Mikasa!" I growled at her as we left the room at breakneck speed. 

"Captain, do you have any idea of where she might be?" she asked. 

"I'll figure it out!" I snapped. Come on, we don't have much time.

"Oh, but you're not going to get that far."

Nanami's POV:

"What is she doing?!" one member shouted at me as I walked towards them. 

"Get her! Frere and Soeur will kill us if we don't!" the other shouted. I smirked as they both came at me. I swung my leg around to the first one, and the chains wrapped around my feet hit him straight in the stomach. He gasped as blood poured from the wound and he slumped against the wall. 

"One down," I smiled. The next came at me with a dagger, but I quickly evaded and grabbed both of his arms. I forced his head down to the floor and held his arms behind his back. "I could snap your arms off, but that would be a bit of a mess," I sighed as I just twisted them and grabbed the dagger on the floor. I sliced his back at pivotal nerve sections, and he was left paralyzed. 

"M-Monster..." he was able to choke out before fainting. I grasped the dagger tightly as I continued down the hall. I walked up the stairs and saw a familiar face. 

"Hello, Frere," I smirked. 

"How in the hell did you get out..." he growled. 

"You ask too many questions, brother," I sighed as I twirled the dagger around through my fingers. "Might as well silence that mouth for good." Frere pulled out a dagger himself and held it ready. "Let's play, little brother."

"Shut your mouth," he growled at me. I just chuckled as he ran towards me with his dagger. I swept my body underneath his feet and he barely dodged, but lost his balance. He stumbled a bit, leaving himself open. I took the dagger and attempted to stab him, but he countered in time and sent me backwards, cutting off my hair in the process. I examined my now short brown locks and smirked.

"You're better than I thought," I smiled. "I'm impressed. But since you cut off my hair which I actually really liked, you're going to have to pay extra."

"I don't speak to my enemies," he snapped and came at me again. This time, he held the dagger high above his head, leaving his chest wide open. I chuckled and threw my dagger right at his heart. He stumbled backwards, his weapon clanged to the ground. I came over to him and grabbed the knife and twisted. Blood fell freely from the wound as I pulled out the dagger. He fell to the floor, limp but still alive. 

"I win," I smiled. 

"You're a monster," he choked. He sighed one last breath before his life left him. He was now an empty shell of a man, completely devoid of life which I stole from him. I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him through the halls with me until I reached a commotion. 

"Oh, but you're not going to get that far," I heard Soeur purr. 

"And what are you going to do, little sister?" I mocked her. Her gaze snapped to me and then the mangled body of her brother in my grasp. I tossed it towards her and she looked down at in in grief. 

"Frere..." she managed to murmur as she looked down at the bloody corpse. 

"And you know what, little sister," I said, tapping my chin. "You're next!"

"You..." she growled as she pulled out a dagger. 

"Now now, let's not get feisty shall we?" I smirked as she came thundering towards me. She held it high above her head and with one quick stroke, I cut straight across her chest and she fell to the floor. "That's what you get for being super feisty."

"There's no way in hell am I going down without a fight," she spat as she shakily stood to her knees. She snatched the locket around her neck and opened it. Inside there was a small blade and she swiftly pressed it into her skin. Blood oozed from the wound as she stood, and we were blasted back by a massive wall of steam. The building around came crashing down as someone or something crashed through the ceiling. 

"No way-" I heard Mikasa begin. 

"A titan shifter!"

A/N: Thank you so much for 11K views. It's nice to know that I have my own little corner of the internet, albeit a very small corner. I won't get really sappy or whatever, but I really appreciate each and every one of you. But this author's note is for one person who really really made my day. 


Way back when I had first written this story, I had no idea how to navigate Wattpad or its features. My first notification was from them, and I remember feeling so incredibly happy. I don't even know if they still read my story or not, but still.

AltheaLouiseMasiclat, if you're still reading my story or this note, thank you so much.

It may seem like just harmlessly reading a story, but to me it was everything. 

Thank you.

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