Chapter 21

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~Riker's POV~

"Marilyn no!" I cried out and dove into the cold water. I opened my eyes and found her body floating gracefully in the water. I swooped her up and out of the water, pulling both of us out. I looked at her pale, full lips and gorgeous face. I felt tears burning at my eyes and I let them fall while I found my phone and called emergency services.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My girlfriend just fell into a pool of water when lightning struck the water at the same time! I'm at Venice beach! Please hurry!" I hung up and carried Marilyn's limp body in my arms out to the sand and I wait with her. Thankfully, she was still breathing on her own. After a few more minutes of panic, I saw red and blue flashing lights in the distance and I felt a small ray of hope shine in my heart.

"Sir we need you to go." A paramedic grabbed my beautiful girl from my arms and lifted her onto a stretcher. I cried even harder.

"Can I please go?" I begged.

He sighed, looked at Marilyn, then back at me. "Go get your stuff and be back in two minutes." I sprinted to the cave and gathered all of our things in the picnic basket. I rushed back and climbed into the ambulance, grasping onto Marilyn's soft, dainty hand.

"I love you." I whispered. "Please wake up." I watched my tears fall onto the blanket covering her legs and felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"You really do care for her don't you?" The paramedic asked, sincerely.

"I love her, sir." He smiled at me.

"Then we'll do every damn thing we can to wake her up." I smiled weakly and kissed her hand. I sighed to myself.

This is going to be an anniversary to remember.

The ride to the hospital was short and once we arrived, I was instantly separated from Marilyn and taken to a waiting room. I called her aunt and she was on her way. I sat down in the lobby and looked at who was in here, a young couple and on the other side of the room, an older lady.

I waited and waited until her aunt showed up and she inquiries me about what happened. I explained to her everything to my knowledge and she covered her mouth in a gasp. I bit my lip to keep from crying and started to pace the room, wondering what people were thinking of my attire. But, I was mainly thinking about Marilyn.

"The family members of Marilyn Johnson." A tall, blonde nurse says. I stood up along with Mrs. Johnson and we both held our breath. "Marilyn is not in the best condition, but she's getting better. However she's in a coma." I honestly felt my heart shatter as she broke the news. "She may wake up in the next 48 hours or week so we have no choice but to keep her. Luckily, she won't have the ugly scar that most lightning strike victims get. You may go see her if you'd like." We both nodded and the nurse lead us to her room and I allowed Mrs. Johnson to go in first.

"Is there anything I can do to maybe increase her chance of waking up sooner?" I asked the nurse.

"Talking to her may help. If you want to you can sing to her but that's about it hun. We've had some luck with people singing to other people in a coma. Try that. Her body will wake up when it's ready." She smiled and walked away, leaving me alone in the hallway. I waited for ten minutes until her Aunt walked out and she patted me on the shoulder.

"Do you mind staying here with her tonight? I have work." I nod and she thanks me and walks away. "Oh and Riker?" She turned around.


She smiled warmly. "Thank you."

I braced myself and opened the door and entered the room.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself. Marilyn was hooked up to so many machines it scared me. There were so many beeps and dings going on. I said a silent prayer and walked over to her. I knew that she was okay. Even though she was in a coma, her hands were still her hands, so I held them. "Marilyn, I know you can hear me. Please wake up. Your family needs you and so does mine. I need you." I kissed her hand as tears streamed down my cheeks. I swiped the back of my hand across my face to wipe away my tears and I texted Rydel and told her to bring my acoustic guitar to the beach and that I'd meet her there. I took a final glace at Marilyn and left for a while.


Over the course of four days, Marilyn still hadn't woken up. I've talked to her, read to her, even told her awful jokes. I'd done everything but sing to her. I felt today was the best day to do it because it was her favorite day, Thursday. I don't know why she loved them so much, she just did. I grabbed my guitar and locked the door to make sure we weren't interrupted. I looked at her overall, she was better and the doctors even took her off of everything expect for her iv fluid and oxygen mask. Her color returned to her face and lips. Her face seemed to be settled in a smile.

"I love you." I whispered before I started to strum. I sing a song we were working on, Without You, and as soon as I got to the chorus, I watched her eyes flutter but I didn't stop. Eventually, she woke up and is fully awake by the time I finished the song. I rushed to her side and she looks at me oddly. Uh oh. What if she lost her memory.

"Riker, where am I?" She asked, her voice groggy and cute.

You have no idea how much relief washed through my body. I smiled. "You're in the hospital Marilyn. You were in an accident, but it's all okay now." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"I love you." She beamed at me and I smiled warmly at her. "Can you put my hair up? It's hot in here." I nodded and she hands me a hair tie. I gathered her hair into a high ponytail and tighten the tie around it. "Thanks. How long am I in here for?" She asked right as the nurse and doctor walked in.

"Great you're awake!" He cheered and did the usual check up. She took some medicine for the soreness and was discharged a few days later on Saturday. I stayed with her for the whole weekend and we cuddled, watched movies, and ate the whole two days. I made sure Marilyn was okay for school, realizing that there is only one month left until the talent show and a week after that is the end of school.

"Riker dinner is ready." My blonde mother poked her head in my door and smiled her dazzling smile.

"Okay." I replied and she walked over and sat next to me, grabbing my hands in hers, something she only did when she meant business.

"I can tell you love Marilyn. And it's amazing how much you used to hate her." She chuckled and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, reminiscing on our old, stupid arguments. "I'm happy to see the amazing impacts you two have had on each other's lives."

"Thank you momma." I kissed her cheek and we headed into the kitchen where the rest of my family was already seated around the table. I joined them and as the food got passed around, the chatter rose into another typical Lynch family dinner.

He Shoves Me But Loves Me (Riker Lynch/R5)Where stories live. Discover now