Chapter 48

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"Are you okay sweetie?" Stormie asked after the bus pulled away. I nodded. "Come here." Stormie pulled me into a warm hug. She rubbed small circles on my back.

"Thanks." I gave a small smile. Stormie and I walked back into the house which was so much quieter.

"It's so crazy. Even when everyone was locked away in there rooms, there was still a faint beat of music being played or conversation." Stormie commented.

"Yeah. I still can't believe their going to be away for two months."

Stormie nodded. "Do you want some tea?"

"Yeah, that'd be great." Stormie brewed the tea and poured us each a cup. We both sat at the table.

"When do you start teaching gymnastics?" Stormie asked.

"Monday. I'm a little nervous." I took a sip of tea.

"Why? I'm sure they'll love you."

"I hope they do. I've never even taught gymnastics formally. I've just showed some of my cousins how to do a cartwheel." I laughed. "Plus, I don't even know if I have any leotards to wear to class."

"I think when you moved in there was a box of them. I think it's in the garage."

My eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah! Here, let's go look." Stormie and I walked outside to the garage. Stormie pulled up the door and the smell of motor oil and grease smacked us in the face. There were boxes stacked on top of each other, most of them holiday decorations. But, there was one box that was on top of a box of Christmas ornaments. It was labeled 'MARILYN'S LEOS'.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped, picking it up. Stormie and I walked back to the house and opened up the dusty box. There were about ten leotards, some long sleeved and some sleeveless. I pulled out my favorite one, a long sleeved pink one with three blue stripes diagonally across it. Memories flooded my mind and a smile bloomed on my face.

"This one is cute." Stormie said, holding up a shimmery purple one.

"That was my dad's favorite too." I smiled. "I'm going to see if I can still fit these. Which I'm sure I can. I haven't grown since sixth grade." I walked upstairs to the bathroom and shed my normal clothes. I sipped on the leotard and smiled, seeing it fit perfectly. I showed Stormie and she smiled.

"Perfect!" I changed back into my other clothes and put my leotards in the dirty clothes to be washed. An idea popped into my head.

"I think I'm going to go find this gymnasium and find out my schedule." I told Stormie.

"Okay. Is there anything particular you want for dinner? I was going to make spaghetti and meatballs. Is that okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah! I'm gonna go shower." I walked up the stairs and took a shower. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie, slipping on my UGGs. I braided my hair back and grabbed my keys and phone. "I'll be back, Stormie."

"See ya!" She chirped. I walked out to my car and started it up, wondering what Riker was doing.


-Riker's POV-

"Can you pass me a water?" I asked Ryland. He dug one out of the mini fridge and tossed it to me. "Thanks." I opened the bottle and took a sip. I pulled out my phone and turned it on. My wallpaper, the picture of Marilyn and me kissing last night, flashed on the screen. I smiled and unlocked my phone. I scrolled through twitter, looking at some of my mentions from the fans.

"@r5slaysevery1: so excited for the R5 show tonight! Can't wait to rock out with my fellow R5ers!"

"@iheartr5: four more days until I meet the best people ever!"

I switched to Instagram. I looked through the comments on the picture of Marilyn and I last night. One comment really stuck out.

"Marilyn doesn't deserve Riker at all. She's just using him and his family for fame. She's nothing but a midget slut who just happens to have mutant lungs. I don't get why everyone ships them. She's just some tacky farm girl from Illinois."

Blood angrily coursed through my veins. How dare they talk about my girlfriend like that? I went to Twitter and tweeted:

"Please don't be rude about my relationship with Marilyn. I know most of you support of us, but to those who don't, that's too bad." I scrolled through more tweets and locked my phone.

"I'm taking a nap before the show." I informed. I crawled into my bunk and fell asleep thinking of Marilyn.

He Shoves Me But Loves Me (Riker Lynch/R5)Where stories live. Discover now