Chapter 45

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"Are you guys gonna match?" I asked everyone. We were all in the basement, talking about the tour celebration party. It was something Hollywood Records put together. It was at this club they rented out.

Rydel answered. "We don't have too. I think we all packed our matching clothes away for tour."

"Yeah." Everyone else said in unison.

"Alright. I still have to shower so, if you guys want to go ahead and get dressed and go, I can meet you guys there."

Rocky said, "That sounds good to me. You guys?" Everyone else agreed and we all headed upstairs, to our separate rooms. I walked into the closet and picked out an outfit. It was a simple long sleeved black, lace top, a grey, and a maroon cami under my shirt. I was getting my jewelry and stuff together when Riker walked in.

"I'm gonna ride with you." He informed.

"I don't want you to be late. You're kind of a big deal tonight." I giggled. I picked a small pair of silver hoops and a ring.

"We'll make it on time. We don't have to be there until eight thirty, the party starts at nine. It's like," Riker glanced at the watch on his wrist. "seven thirty now."

Rydel poked her head in the room. "We're leaving now. See you there!" She pranced off and closed the door behind her.

I turned to Riker. "I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back." I kissed his cheek quickly and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped while it was heating up. I washed up in the shower and dried off afterward. I got dressed and hung up my towel. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room. Riker was singing 'Loud' while I put lotion over my smooth legs. I put on my make up next, swiping on my lipgloss last. I tied half of my hair up in a ponytail after I flat ironed it.

"Ready?" Riker asked.

I held up my finger. "Hold on a second." I laughed. I grabbed my black, tall wedges and slid my feet into them. I put my jewelry on and grabbed a coat. I stepped out of the closet and smiled at Riker. "Now I'm ready." Riker smiled and we shared a kiss. He twined our fingers together and we walked out to my car.


When we arrived, someone came and took our coats. There were already a bunch of people here and the party still had twenty minuets until people were supposed to start showing up. Riker and I walked around and I met some really cool people! There was this one girl, coal black hair that was teased up in a ponytail and beautiful green eyes, that I had this click with. Her name was Naomi. I was talking to Naomi, who was really funny, when Riker came up and whispered in my ear.

"I have to go do some stuff with the band for a little while. I'll see you later." He gave me a quick kiss and disappeared. I turned back to Naomi.

"So, do you sing?" I asked, taking a sip of the punch they were serving.

Naomi shook her head. "I'm alright. I can only do alto tho. But I mainly play the piano and cello."

"I play piano too!" I exclaimed. "I've been playing since I was like, two."

Naomi smiled. "That's awesome. Do you sing?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I like mainly soprano but I'll sing alto too."

"I like cello a little bit more than piano. But just a smidge." We both smiled. Just then, an ear piercing screeching sound almost made me drop my punch.

"Ah, shit!" I heard Naomi curse. I nodded my head and tried to find where it was coming from. Someone tapped a mic and stepped on stage.

"Super sorry about that, ladies and gents. My Dj equipment just broke, so now all I have it a pair of speakers and an aux cord. So, if anyone has any music, or would like to do some karaoke, please step up. Again, I'm so sorry." The Dj informed. An idea popped in my head, and I grabbed Naomi's wrist, dragging her with me. I threw my punch away and ran around, trying to find R5. I found them and ran up to Rydel.

He Shoves Me But Loves Me (Riker Lynch/R5)Where stories live. Discover now