Chapter 16

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I rushed down the stairs and found my aunt talking to Riker. She noticed me and sent me a smile. "Ready to go Marilyn?" Riker asked. When I looked at how he was dressed, I felt my mouth water. He was well dressed, in a pairs of black dress pants and a white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His normally shaggy hair was still shaggy but it looked neater. To top it all off, Riker had on the cutest black tie, that was tied incorrectly.

"Yeah. But first let me fix this." I crossed over to him and corrected his tie. I looked up to him, even though I was in four inch heels, Riker still towered over me. He laced our fingers together and I felt sparks when he did.

"Alright young man," My aunt said. "Treat her well and have her home before eleven o'clock."

"Yes ma'am. I'll treat Marilyn better than I treat myself." Riker replied.

"Have fun. I love you." She kissed my forehead and I smile.

"I love you too." Riker and I headed out the door and my aunt shut it behind us. Riker helped me to his car and closed my door for me. I put on my seat belt and Riker entered the driver's side.

"You look beautiful Marilyn." He cooed and I blushed.

"Thanks. You look very handsome tonight too." Riker brought the engine to life and pulled out of the driveway. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I made reservations at Olive Garden and then I figured we can go to the park and look at the stars." His eyes were locked on the road but I could tell he was giving me all his attention.

"That sounds nice." I said and felt my iPhone vibrate in my hands. I got a text from Christian.

Hey, just got off work. Want to hang?

I typed back, Already busy. Sorry.

"Who's that?" Riker asked, turning a corner. I paid attention to how he drives: one hand on the wheel, the other hand on his knee.

"Just a friend." I assured and locked my phone. Riker and I chatted until he pulls up to the restaurant and guided me to the door. I eventually erased Christian from my phone. I didn't know him. Why'd I give him my number in the first place? That was really stupid.

"I have reservations under Lynch." Riker informed the waitress. She taps away at the computer until it makes a ding!

"Here we are! My name's Emma and I'll be your waitress." Emma, a beautiful red head with curvaceous hips and a very ample bust explained, giving Riker a flirty wink and me a nasty glare. Emma lead us to a booth and I slid in and watched as Riker drooled over her boobs. I kicked him under the table.

"Ouch!" He yelped then snapped out of it. "I had a special order."

"Okay! I'll go look into it." She skipped off and I glared at Riker.

"You're pushing it." I warned him. "I'll be back." I said getting up. Once I had found the restroom, I slipped into a stall and locked it. I relieved myself and when I flung the door open, I saw Emma with a nasty smirk on her face.

"I know who you are." She growled at me. "And if I were you, I'd watch it."

"And why the hell should I do that?" I snapped.

"I'm Riker's ex. He dumped me for you. A worthless piece of trash." Her words felt like daggers, stabbing into my chest.

It clicked. "Veronica?" I gasped, recognizing her huge ass from it hanging out of her shorts all of the time. "B-but, you said your name was Emma. I thought-" She cut me off.

"It's called lying honey. But we all know that you'd never do such a thing. Because you are just a geek." She shoved me into the wall and I cried out in pain. Emma, well Veronica, left me by myself and I covered my face with my hands and cried. I sobbed for a while and left the bathroom, wiping all evidence that I'd been crying away.

"I hope you like ABC soup! Read it first." Riker beamed pointing to the bowl of steaming soup across from his. I slid into my seat and hover over the bowl, the steam radiating on my face.

"Oh my goodness." I gasped at the messege in my soup. Riker blushed adorably and I couldn't help but smile at his sheepish actions. In the bowl, the pasta letters spelled the words,

Will you be my girlfriend?

A/N: Dun, Dun, Dun!!! What do you think Marilyn will say?

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