Chapter 5

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"Marilyn get up! It's time for school!" Hanna alarmed me. I groaned and stumbled to the bathroom. I used the restroom and brush my teeth. I grabbed my clothes and took a shower. I stepped out and dried off. I put on my new outfit and blow dried my hair. I parted my hair down the middle like usual and curled the ends. I put on some ankle socks and my teal Vans. Now for makeup. The normal: foundation, bronzer, neutral eye shadow, brown eyeliner, and some mascara. I also applied a dab of strawberry lip gloss to my lips. I popped in my contacts as well.

"Ready girlie?" Hanna called. I checked my self one last time and put on some coconut scented lotion and some matching perfume.

"Yeah." I bounded down the stairs and gave my aunt a goodbye hug. I got my bag and Hanna drove us to school, getting some Starbucks along the way.

"See ya!" I waved to Hanna. She smiled and skipped off. I reached my locker, sipping on my vanilla bean frappe. I unlocked my locker and began to unpack. I grabbed my math book, and the book I was reading for fun.

"Hey Marilyn." I heard Riker call from the end of the hallway. I rolled my eyes and closed my locker.

"Wait!" He grabbed my wrist tightly.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

He smirked at me, "Revenge." I gulped and Riker slammed my books on the floor. He kicked them into a far corner and I felt rage boil in me.

"Awe, is the little nerd getting angry?" He teased. Riker got me in a head lock, but I bit into his arm and don't let go until I taste blood.

"Gah! Freak!" He screeched. He let me go, well more like shoved me, and I scrambled to my feet. I gathered my things and was off to math.

"This isn't over Johnson!" Riker yelled. I hurry to math before he could attack again.


So, right now I was in the lunch line. I grabbed a salad and pay for it. I put what I wanted on it and scanned the cafeteria. I spotted Hanna and begin to go to her. Before I got to the table, Riker stepped in front of me.

"Hey! You made me bleed for twenty minuets." He growled.

"Not my fault your a douche." I smirked at Riker.

"Don't get so cocky Marilyn."

"Please. At least my ego isn't as big as my head." Everyone laughed and I went around him and left Riker standing there dumbfounded. I plopped down next to Hanna and stabbed at my salad.

"Marilyn, that was awesome!" She squealed. I smiled.


Hanna motioned to a new girl I'd never seen before. "Marilyn this is Beatrice. She's new and in our grade."

"Hey! I'm Marilyn. It's nice to meet you." I greeted her. Beatrice has brown shoulder length hair, a slightly upturned nose, and green eyes.

"I'm Beatrice but call me Tris. Who was that guy you were talking to?" Tris asked.

"He's Riker Lynch. Don't get caught up with him. He's nothing but a jerk." I scowled at Riker.

"Oh." Tris turned back to her apple she was eating. I ate a forkful of salad and swallowed. I rose from my seat.

"I'm going to buy a drink from the vending machine." I said. They nod and start a conversation about homework. I exited the cafeteria, turned down the hallway and reached into my shorts pockets. I pulled out some change and bought a Cola.

I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw the kid that was at Riker's house yesterday. Bieber hair!

"Hey!" He smiled. "You're that one girl that was talking to Riker yesterday."

"And you're the kid who kissed my hand." I joked back. He blushed and came up to me. I recognized the shaggy hair.

"Hey, I only did it because my brother dared me too! But, you're really pretty. I'm Rocky. And you are?" I shook his hand.

"I'm Marilyn. I have to go back to lunch. We'll talk later okay Rocky?" He nodded and I skipped back to the cafeteria. I plopped down in my seat and opened my soda. The rest of the day was uneventful and I went home. Auntie was waiting for me outside.

"Hi sweetie! We're going to the salon. I'm getting a hair cut and my hair dyed and your getting a hot oil treatment and highlights!" We drove to the hair salon and checked in. A tall, pretty woman with short red hair took me back to the sink.

"Lean back sweetie." She instructed. I did as told and leaned into the ceramic sink. The hairdresser washed my hair and gave me a soothing scalp massage.

"Ahh. That feels soo good." I moaned making her laugh. She rinsed my hair in freezing cold water.

"This help to keep the hair nice and shiny." She explained. We go to a chair and mirror where the lady started to apply my hot oil treatment. She left it in for about an hour while I text Hanna.

"Let's rinse and get started on those highlights!" My hairdresser said. She rinsed the oil out and blow dried my hair.

"Do you want it lighter than your normal hair color?" I nodded my head. "Okey dokey!"

A few hours later, I was lying in my bed, on the phone with Rydel.

"Please come over and swim! I'll give you a bikini and everything!" She pleaded.

"For that last time Rydel no. I don't want to be around Riker."

"Please! It'll be like he's not even here!"

"Well," I began but she cut me off.

"Yay! Come over now!" The line went dead and I rolled my eyes. I brushed my long hair back into a ponytail and headed to Rydel's house

"Yay! You're here! Here's a bikini! I'll be here waiting." She rambled at me while throwing me a bright blue bikini with a pair of blue sunglasses.

"Okey dokey!" I sang skipping into her bathroom. I changed into the bikini and Rydel dragged me outside.

He Shoves Me But Loves Me (Riker Lynch/R5)Where stories live. Discover now