Chapter 18

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The next morning, I was woken up by the sounds of a piano being played. I groggily woke up and rubbed my eyes, focusing them on the source of the noise. I found Riker with a pencil and paper in front of him, jotting something down.

"Good morning Ms. Monroe." Riker teased. I giggled and stood up, going into a bridge to stretch. I kicked my legs over and walked to Riker, joining him on the bench.

"Can I read this?" I asked him picking up the paper. He was quick to snatch it from my grasp.

"Nope." Riker popped the 'p'. "But you can listen to it on the piano." He played a segment and I took his hands off my piano keys.

"Let a pro show you how it's done." I cracked my knuckles and began to play The Alphabet Song. Riker laughed in approval and interrupted my playing.

"Are you participating in the talent show?"

"Yeah," I sighed and kept playing.

"Why'd you say it like that?" He asked, prying my hands from the keys and cupping them in his.

"I don't know what to sing!" I admitted.

"Well, how do you feel about yourself? What's the best thing that had happened to you?"

"I feel great about myself! Although, I do think I am a little underweight." I motioned to my collar bone. Riker smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"You're perfect." He whispered to me. I bit my lip to keep from smiling too big.

"The best thing that ever happened to me is," A knock on the music room door made us jump back a few inches from each other. My aunt poked her head in and smiled at us.

"Riker, your mom called. She needs you home, something about band practice." Riker smiled at her.

"Thank you ma'am. I'll be on my way." She exited the room and I pouted. "I will call you later." Riker collects the paper and kisses my cheek. "Bye Marilyn." I was about to close the door when Riker turned around. "Oh, and don't forget to tell me what the best thing that's ever happened to you is." He smiled then walked off to his car.

"Bye Riker." I closed the door. The aroma of baked goods wafted through the house and tickled my nose. I followed the trail and found my aunt pulling out a tray from the oven.

"Good morning. I made homemade muffins." My eyes widened to the size of about dinner plates and my mouth started watering. I got a plate and a muffin, along with some fruit.

"Yummy!" I piped in, stuffing my mouth with food. She shook her head and laughs at me. I continued to eat while my aunt turns on the television in our kitchen. I watched Sunday morning cartoons and ate my food, feeling eight years old again. After around ten minutes, I rinsed my plate and went upstairs to my room. I turn on some music and clean my room.

"Marilyn, Frankie is coming home!" I dropped my last pillow in place and stared at my aunt in disbelief. Frankie was my cousin and was away in the air force. He hadn't been home in over five years.

"Really? When?" I questioned her, excitement radiating from my body.

"He just called and said he'll be here in four hours. I will start dinner and can you go and clean the pool? He said he's bringing Candace and Alexis with him." Candace was his wife and Alexis, or as I like to call her, Lexi, was their three year old daughter.

"Will do!" I saluted her and hurried out to the pool, ramming my feet into my flip flops. I took off the pool covering and grimaced at the disgusting green water. I pulled the drain with this long stick with a hook at the bottom and grabbed some tile soap and super hot water.

"Ew!" I shrieked as I began scrubbing off the dirt and muck build up. I finally got to the deep end and scrubbed it clean. I started to fill the pool with water and went inside to clean up. I took a shower and threw on a pair of shorts and a nice summer top.

"Two hours to go!" My aunt yelped in my door as she went down the hall with a vacuum. I laughed at her antics and went back out side to the pool. I put on the chemicals and all that jazz and took out the hose, seeing the pool was filled. I turned the heater for the water on and left. I scurried back inside and cleaned the bathroom, living room, and basement all while blasting my music. I stopped when I heard a knock in the door.

"They're here!" I whisper yelled as my aunt made it to the front door. We both fixed each other's hair and any other flaw we saw. I finally opened the door and got engulfed in a huge bear hug.

"Marilyn! It's so great to see you!" Frankie cheered. I squeezed him back and he gave his mom a hug when I hugged Candace.

"Marilyn you've grown so much! Last time I saw you you were twelve and still wore onesies!" I giggled at her statement. "Now look at you, a beautiful, smart girl." I smiled warmly at her and felt a pair of arms wrap around my thighs.

"Bear-Bear!" Lexi's high pitched voice squealed. She called me Bear-Bear because the first gift I gave her was a pink, fluffy bear.

"Lexi-pooh!" I picked her up and attack her face with kisses. I sat her on my hip and looked into her huge green eyes. I saw where she took after Frankie with huge green eyes and a slim nose, but when it comes to hair, she's a total opposite. Lexi's red mane was a jungle of curls, just like Candace's.

"Do you wanna go swimming?" I asked her. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"I love you Bear Bear." She said, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too Lexi-pooh. Now let's get you into your swim suit." I sat her down and let her bring her suitcase into my room. She opened it up and pulled put her swimwear, a pink Barbie one piece. I helped her change and brushed her curls, pulling them back into two French braids.

"Thank you!" She squeaked. I smiled at her and hand her my phone to play with while I got changed. I put on my pink bikini and tied my hair up. Lexi gave me my phone back and I put it on the charger and picked her up.

"Mommy, Daddy! Will you come swim with us?" Lexi gave them a puppy dog look. They nodded and both got changed. We all headed out to the pool and I sat down in a pool chair and tanned. I heard Lexi squeal and shriek with delight, seeing that Frankie was splashing and dunking her.

"C'mon get in Marilyn." Candace said. I jumped in the pool with them and we all swam around and caught up with each other. Around an hour or two later, it was winding close to dinner time. I took Lexi with me and I gave her a bath and changed her into her pink onesie. She went in the living room to watch tv and I sat up a movie for her.

"I'll be back in a little okay?" I kissed her cheek and ran up stairs, taking a shower my self. I did my normal hygiene routine and put on some sweats and a shirt. I put on my cow slippers and remade my bed.

"Dinner is ready." Frankie informed. I joined the family at the table and we are all enticed by the aroma that was wafting through the house.

"Smells great in here, Mom." Frankie said. He sat down next to Candace and kissed her. I smiled at them and helped my aunt set the table. She placed a huge bowl of spaghetti and meatballs in the center of the table along with some garlic bread and salad. I fixed Lexi a plate and helped her eat. We all ate and chatted with each other for around forty minutes and I helped to clean. I took Lexi to my room and turned on my tv.

"Bear Bear," I turned towards Lexi hearing her call for me.

"Yeah baby?"

"Who's the boy on your phone?" I immediately knew she was talking about Riker.

"That's my boyfriend Lexi-pooh. Something you're not allowed to have until you're my age." I kissed her cheek and turned off the lights. Lexi and I crawled into bed and I turned the tv. to cartoons for her. She wound down and fell asleep in my arms. I turned off the tv, moving Lexi over, and falling asleep with her.

A/N: Just a filler :) xo

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