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After a month of searching, Samson and Delilah finally found the perfect house for their family. Samson bought all the furniture that Delilah picked and quickly the house filled up. The best part of shopping was the baby furniture. Samson was like a big kid in a candy store. Delilah refused to run after him especially when she will be doing enough of that soon with double the trouble. She examined the rocking chairs and sat to test it out. When she felt comfortable, she told the salesperson to add it to her list. Samson made sure there was two of everything. After the furniture, they moved to carriages and finally some clothes. They both ooohhh and ahhhh at the tiny clothes.

Delilah:"Let's not buy a lot of clothes Samson. I'm sure Dania, Maddie and Ginny will throw me a baby shower and there will be tons of gifts.

Samson:"I know baby, but I'm excited and these clothes are so cute!" She rolled her eyes as she laughed. "Hey honey I was thinking that we can share the gender of our babies through cake. You know bake one that is blue, the other pink then cover both with white frosting."

Delilah:"That sounds good, but they don't know that we're having twins." She looked at him. "So I was thinking a nicely decorated box with blue balloons and hide the second color box with the pink balloons. We can say something like, hey what is this box? and open it to reveal pink balloons floating up."

Samson:"Oh yeah that sounds much better than my idea. Ok, let's do it." He kissed her forehead. "I'll call Maddie and Dania letting them know that I want to be part of the baby shower plans and come up with the one box idea. I'll hide the other in the closet without them knowing of course." Delilah winked at her husband and hugged him. They were taken by surprise from a hello.

Sebastian:"Hello." He smiled at the newlywed couple. Samson shook his hand. Delilah gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Whoa look at you! You're glowing and you look so beautiful pregnant." He turned to Samson. "Congratulations man."

Samson:"Thank you." He wrapped his massive arm around Delilah's shoulder. "Are you expecting any children yet or are you waiting?"

Sebastian:"Actually, Minx and I are in the middle of a divorce." Neither Samson or Delilah were surprised.

Delilah:"I'm so sorry Sebastian." She smiled weakly at him. He sighed and smiled weakly back.

Sebastian:"She was cheating on me the whole time that we were together and even after we were married."

Samson:"Hey, you will find someone better man."

Sebastian:"Funny that you say that cause I did." His smile came back, but it was brighter, happier. "I opened my own practice and I'm actually dating one of the nurses that I hired."

Delilah:"I'm so happy for you Sebastian. You should bring her at our house for dinner."

Samson:"Yeah, how about next Saturday? We'll invite Maddie, Dania and their dates."

Sebastian:"That sounds good. I'll let Faye know. That's her name."

Delilah:"It's lovely, just like her I'm sure. You still have my number right?"

Sebastian:"Yes I do."

Delilah:"I'll text you our new address with the date and time ok?"

Sebastian:"Ok." He hugged her. "It was really nice seeing you again Delilah." He then turned to Samson and they gave each other that man hug.


Samson and Delilah prepared dinner together, then cleaned up their home making it presentable. Next, Delilah set up the dining table while samson brought out red and white wine bottles placing it on the table. He then insisted that Delilah sit down and relax even as she protested. He finished everything else as she quickly fell into a nap unknowingly. About an hour before their guest guess arrive, he woke up Delilah to freshen up. She took a fifteen minute shower then dressed.

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