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A/N: Warning! This episode has a sexy mature scene. You have been warned.


Samson:"HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE!" He got up and began kicking Lodley in the ribs. By then many guest were already witnessing the fight taking five men to hold Samson back while others held Lodley back. Delilah ran to Samson's side. She could see the cut above his left eyebrow and the blood dripping down. He didn't look nowhere as bad as Lodley whose face was completely bloodied with one eye closed and the other on it's way of being closed. He also had a busted lip. He held his ribs as he winced in pain.

Abraham:"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" He rolled into the scene in his motorized wheelchair. He looked at his son who still had five men keeping him from killing Lodley. Abraham and Delilah made eye contact and she ran up to him.

Delilah:"Samson saved me from that man who assaulted me." She had her arms hugging herself.

Abraham:"Assaulted you?" His eyes turned to Lodley. "YOU ASSAULTED MY SONS GIRLFRIEND?!" He sneered.

Lodley:"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" He spat out blood on the ground. "SHE WANTED IT!"


Abraham:"GET THAT DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT OFF MY PROPERTY AND HOLD HIM UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVE." He barked at George and Mark. He then turned to Samson. "RELEASE MY SON THIS SECOND!" The men released him. He went running to Delilah holding her close to him. She felt so protected and safe in his arms.

Samson:"Are you ok?" She could tell by the sound of his voice he was very worried.

Delilah:"I'm fine now that you're here." she took a deep breath. "Thank you for saving me." She whispered. He cupped her face in his hands looking into her eyes and thought to himself what could have happened had he not arrived in time. The thought of it made him sick. He will not ever let anything happen to her. She means too much to him and the thought of another man touching her...He took a deep breath.

Samson:"He shouldn't have touched you at all. Had I not left u alone...."

Delilah:"Hey, it's not your fault." She interrupted.

Unknown to them, Abraham watched how they interacted with a smile across his face. He could tell that there was something definitely between them.

 Mark:"Mr. Stokes, the police have arrived and have taken Mr. James into custody."

Abraham:"Thank you Mark." His attention still on Samson and Delilah.

Delilah:"Samson I want to go home now. Please." She looked up into his eyes.

Samson:"Of course." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Father we're heading home and I'm sorry about the inappropriate altercation that just took place, but I don't regret breaking his face."

Abraham:"I understand, but son the police are here and they need to talk to Delilah first and to you as well."

Samson:"Father, I..."

Delilah:"No...Samson it's ok. It's protocol. Just don't leave my side."

Samson:"Alright love." They held hands as they walked to the front to be questioned by the police. Delilah informed them that Lodley assaulted her, but not raping her therefore she didn't need to go to the hospital. Samson wasn't arrested due to he caught the assault and stopped it before Lodley had a chance to penetrate his victim. After 30 minutes, they were finally let go.

The ride home was quiet and quick. Samson parked in their driveway. They walked into the house and he sat on the sofa closing his eyes with his head back. Delilah left him alone then came back with a small first aid kit to address his wound above his eyebrow. She set the first aid kit on the coffee table. She opened her dress where the slit was and pushed to the other side then kneeled down before Samson between his legs. She opened the first aid kit and began fumbling with its contents. Samson opened his eyes and watched her take on her medical roll. He sat forward with both forearms on each knees.

Samson:"What are you doing?"

Delilah:"I have to clean that wound and that dried blood." She put on surgical gloves then doused a few cotton balls with alcohol. She proceeded to clean his wound. Samson winced at the sting. "Sorry." she whispered as she continued. After she cleaned it she took out two butterfly strips to place it on the small opened area. Samson noticed the tip of her tongue sticking out as she placed the strip carefully above his eyebrow. He smiled and wondered if she did with all of her patients. "There! You're all patched up." She removed her surgical gloves and threw it in a small bag as trash. She stopped to look at Samson whose eyes were glued to her. "What?" she asked smiling.

Samson:"Do you always stick out your tongue when lost in concentration?"

Delilah:"What are you talking about? I never stick out my tongue." she smiled.

Samson:"Yes you do." he smiled at her while tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

Delilah:"When do I do that?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

Samson:"You do it when you return the dishes in the cabinet, when you reach for things on your tippy toes, when you make the bed and just now when you patched me up."

Delilah:"I do?" She sat back on her bent legs and was lost in thought.

Samson:"Trust me when I say, you do." he laughed through his nose and sat back against the couch. Delilah got up and sat next to him. She put her hand on his folded ones. He looked at her.

Delilah:"Thank you again." she whispered with a sad look on her face.

Samson:"You're welcome love." They looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes. She then cleared her throat and got up to walk away. Samson held onto her hand and kept her from leaving. She quietly turned to look at him. He then stood up and towered over her. His thumb gently rubbed her knuckles then his eyes found hers. He brought up her knuckles to his lips and softly kissed it. She swallowed hard. He was making her stomach tie into knots and her chest heaved helplessly. "You're so beautiful." He whispered closing the gap between them until his   lips were right above her own lips. He lifted her chin with one finger while his other hand went behind the small of her back pulling her closer to him.

Delilah:"What do you think you're doing?" She watched his lips.

Samson:"I don't know." He stared at her lips as his thumb traced it. "All I know is that I'm dying to kiss you."

Delilah:"I..I..Samson we..." Her words were cut off when he pressed his lips against hers. She lost all of her senses feeling the warmth of his mouth and how his tongue grazed her lips then gently biting her lower lip. She slightly parted her lips and his tongue went into her mouth tasting every sweetness she had to offer. His breathing became heavy and his kisses more aggressive. His arms possessively held her tightly against him while her arms wrapped around his neck. He groaned as their kiss intensified. He reluctantly broke their kiss, but their lips still touched. His soft lips trailed down to her jawline then finding it's way to her exposed neck. Her eyes rolled back as she felt his warm mouth lightly sucking while his tongue exquisitely tasted her delicate skin. Without her realizing it, he had her against the wall while continuing to taunt her already awakened senses. His large hand moved down her hip and slid down to the leg where her gown had the long split. He caressed her exposed thigh until he pulled her leg up to rest on his hip. Delilah's head was spinning with desire. Her fingers dug into his hair pulling it. This made him groan making him become more aggressive and her to lose her breath. She hasn't been touched or kissed like this for over a year and she was beginning to lose herself. Samson's hand slid back up her toned thigh and landed on her ass pulling her closer to his erection. He wanted to make sure that she knew he was turned on and he knew she was too.

Samson:"I want you so bad." His voice had a seductive tone.

Delilah:"Sam...." An unexpected knock stopped them from continuing as they looked at each other then the door.

A/N: Ok you readers can calm your hormones down now.

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