New Life Part 2

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Margie:"Listen to me." she grabbed Delilah by the arm and talked in a low voice. "That family is filthy rich and they will take better care of you. More than I ever could."

Delilah:"All that money don't mean shit to me if I can't live my life the way that I want. All my hopes and dreams have just been taken away from me and it's all because of you." she stepped away from her with tears running down her cheeks. "Why do you hate me so much? All I ever tried to do is make you proud of me." She walked to the two men. "Will you give me time to pack?"

George:"Don't bother with clothes. Just take whatever personal belongings that are special to you."

Delilah:"Thank you." She walked sadly to her room and grabbed her memory box that she had since she was 12 years old. She walked out with a bag and held her memory box close to her. She didn't even look at her mother and left with George and Mark.


George and Mark lead Delilah into the great foyer where head butler and servants awaited her arrival.

Stanley:"Good evening Madam." he motioned for Margaret and Louise to get Delilah's bag. "Take it up to her quarters." Delilah remained quiet the whole time with her head down.

Louise:"Hello Madam my name is Louise and I am the head maid. You can ask me for anything."


Stanley:"Show her to her quarters Louise."

Louise:"Please follow me Madam." Delilah numbly followed her up the grand staircase and walked through a long corridor until they reached double doors. Louise opened the doors and motioned for Delilah to enter first. She came in right after her and immediately began giving her the tour. "You have your own master bathroom. There is a linen closet with fresh clean towels, soaps, toothpaste and every necessity you need. If you prefer other products, I will make sure that you get them. Over there, there are double doors to a patio. You can use that phone on the nightstand to contact Mr. Stanley or myself. Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes. You may want to freshen up. Will you like for me to fetch you when dinners ready?"

Delilah:"No thank you." Her voice was still low and very sad.

Louise:"Madam please don't be sad. The Stokes are good people and you will love them once you give them the chance."

Delilah:"Sure." She walked to her king size bed and sat down.

Louise:"I'm off then."

Delilah looked around the room and it was decorated very nicely. Her bed had lots of pillows and the comforter was made from the best material. She had a huge plush area rug and a loveseat facing the fireplace. Above the fireplace hung a 60 inch screen television. She had a vanity table and a closet full of clothes. As she checked it, she noticed that every piece of clothing was her size. She wondered to herself how did they know her size. Delilah walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Delilah:"Oh my God my eyes are so red and puffy." She turned on the shower, tied her hair into a bun and undressed. The shower was huge enough for another person or two. The hot water felt great as it poured down her naked body. She stood standing there trying to forget how screwed up her life has become.

Abraham pulled out his phone and called Samson who was out and about.

Samson:"Yes father?" he held his phone in annoyance.

Abraham:"I need for you to return home immediately. I have a surprise for you."

Samson:"I'm not interested in your surprises father. They tend to scare me."

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