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Everyone was running around making sure that all the arrangements were perfect. Maddie made sure that all the men were dressed and ready to take their places. Dania was helping Delilah into her wedding dress.

Dania:"You look so beautiful in your wedding dress with your pop belly." She rubbed it gently.

Delilah:"Thanks!" She laughed as she tried to put on her shoes.

Dania:"You're glowing on so many levels." She adjusted the flowers in Delilah's hair. "Samson is glowing too." She laughed through her nose.

Delilah:"He's so excited about the wedding and more about the baby." Dania pointed to the seat for Delilah to sit. Dania kneeled down and slipped on Delilah's shoes on her feet. "Samson took care of everything while I finished my last month in medical school. I feel somewhat bad, but he assured me that everything is going to plan."

Dania:"Did you get to see the new house yet?"

Delilah:"No. He said that he'll take me to our new home after we get back from our honeymoon."

Dania:"Where are you going for your honeymoon?"

Delilah:"Well I told him that I wanted to return to the family cabin. He called his workers and told them to fill up the cabinets with food and other supplies."

Dania:"I'm so happy for you. You and Samson will make each other very happy and be a wonderful family." They were hugging when Maddie walked into the room.

Maddie:"Hugging without me?!" She walked over to them and through her arms around both of her dearest friends. "We have to get going. There is a very anxious man waiting to marry you."

The three women left the room and walked towards the back and stopped right in front of the double French doors.

Dania:"Ready?" She squeezed Delilah's hand. Delilah nodded to both of her dearest friends.

Maddie:"We're going out first and wait about three minutes, then come out." The servants opened the French doors allowing Maddie and Dania to step out first to their awaiting groomsmen. All who were invited waited excitedly for Delilah to make her presence. Samson waited at the alter, heart beating fast and hard against his chest. When Delilah finally showed up walking slowly towards him had him smiling from ear to ear. Penny sat next to Abraham dressed in a pretty floral printed dress that stopped right above her knee. Abraham looked extra handsome in his tuxedo. He was beaming with excitement as he watched Delilah finally arrive at the alter, accepting Samson's extended hand. His eyes scanned her from head to toe.

Samson:"You look so beautiful." He whispered in awe.

Delilah:"You look so handsome." She whispered back with a smile. They're mini conversation was interrupted by the minister that began the ceremony.

Minister:"If you have vows ready, please address it at this time. Samson went first.

Samson:"As you already know, I thought my father was insane when he had us meet and under the circumstances, it was quite awkward, but after getting to know your heart, I could finally understand why he chose you. Delilah, you have changed my life, my world with your sweetness. I honestly thought that I was doomed to never find love, but you proved me wrong. I can't imagine my life without you. I wouldn't even try. When you agreed to marry me, you made me the happiest man in the world, and when you gave me that extra gift that is growing inside you at this moment, you completed my life. I will love you even after death because there is nothing in this universe to keep me away from you. I love you forever."

Everyone was wiping happy tears as they waited for Delilah to say her vows.

Delilah:"Samson, just like you, I thought your father was insane," she turned to wink at Abraham who smiled proudly at his matchmaking skills. "But after knowing you as the man that stands before me today, I will do it again and again and again. You have brought so much happiness into my life. Even when I had that horrible accident and forgot about you, you made it your mission to bring me back to you and you succeeded. That's how I knew how much you sincerely loved me. After today, I will be so proud to be called your wife and I will be just as proud to bring your child into our lives. I love you forever."

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