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A/N: I decided to add episode 10 just in case I'm unable to post in a few days so please enjoy. *warning* this episode contains sexual content.


I'm going to kill this son of bitch if he doesn't remove his arms from holding my woman.

Samson:"A-HEM!" His jaw was clenched and his eyes were darken ready for the kill. He startled Delilah who jumped when Samson made his presence known.

Delilah:"Oh Samson you scared me." She smiled. "What are you...." He cut her off.

Samson:"Who the fuck are you?" He voice was deep and dangerous. He also pulled Delilah out of her friends hold and held her to his side not once removing his eyes from his competition.

Delilah:"Samson, this is..." He cut her off again.

Samson:"I didn't ask you. I'm asking him." He growled. Delilah and everyone of their friends eyes opened wide in surprise of Samson's action. She pulled herself from his hold and pushed him, which didn't do much. He didn't even budge. She was so angry with him at this point.

Delilah:"How dare you speak to me like that?!" She angrily spat at him. Maddie and Dania quickly stood by Delilah with their arms crossed.

Maddie:"Is there a problem here?" The guys were right in the midst of the circle as well.

Quentin:"Dude chill." His eyes fell on Samson then Delilah.

Samson:"There will be..." He clenched his jaw again as he kept staring at the young man.

Delilah:"There's no problem here Samson." She put her hands on his chest looking up to him. Her hand touched his clenched jaw to get his attention. He finally looked into her eyes. "This is my cousin Malyk. I haven't seen him in five years." Her eyebrows were up and she felt his jaw relax and his eyes became soft. Shit, this is her cousin! Damn I just made an ass out of myself, but when I saw him holding her, I...I just lost it. Shit, shit, shit now I have to apologize to her cousin for my conduct.

Delilah:"Samson this is my cousin Malyk, Malyk this is my boyfriend Samson." Samson swallowed and took out his hand to shake.

Malyk:"Is it safe?" He asked before accepting Samson's hand.

Samson:"I deserve that. I'm sorry bro." He took a deep breath. Malyk shook his hand but kept his defenses up. He wasn't sure if Samson was gonna punch him if he wasn't satisfied with the information his cousin Delilah just provided.


I noticed that Delilah hasn't really spoken to me since I've arrived. In fact, she looks completely different to me. She's changed somehow. Maddie had asked me about opening my practice outside of the city, but I explained that Minx wanted to stay in the city. Delilah excused herself to buy a bottled water. A guy just tapped her shoulder and now they're hugging. They must know each other. As I was about to say something, I saw Samson charging angrily up to Delilah and her male friend. I was shocked when she introduced Samson as her boyfriend. She has a boyfriend? Since when? She never told me and I didn't even know that she knew Samson. My cell phone is ringing.

Sebastian:"Hey babe." I couldn't help but smile when I hear Minx's voice.

Minx:"Don't forget we're meeting with my parents for dinner tonight at 6pm. We have reservations at Donatella's."

Sebastian:"Yes honey I won't forget. I finished the test and I'm free until after the holiday break."

Minx:"Oh good. I can't wait to have you all to myself. I have to go. I love you babe."

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