chapter 13

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I sat on my throne rubbing my baby bump its been 5 months now since we found out i was pregnant knockout gives me weekly check ups then i look at my father seeing him read a datapad just then i feel a kick "oh" i said then giggled "what is it sweetling?" megatron asked looking at me "the baby kicked" i said smiling "a little warrior already" he said with a grin then takes his digit and rubs my belly softly "daddy where is soundwave?" i said "his went to go get a bone he will be back" he said. I got up and get down off my throne "im hungry" i said and walked out to go to mine and soundwaves room then i see predking at my door "hey boy" i said then pet his pede, i open my door and walk in then i hear a thud, i looked to see predking laying on my fluffy rug. I walked into the kitchen that was build in for me and make myself a sandwich then i hear a scream,i look out to see starscream under predking "starscream why are you here?" i asked eatting "i.i came here to tell you that soundwave is in the medbay" he said scared then i ran to the medbay 'please my love be ok' i thought as i ran inside seeing no one "what the?" i asked as the doors close and lock "hey!!" i screamed hitting the doors then i see knockout passed out covered in webs "oh no" i said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~soundwave pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I came back with the bone in servo and handed it to lord megatron "thank you soundwave now go be with my daughter" he said and i nod then walked to our room, i look down the hall to see predking freaking out using ashley voice i recorded "hey boy whats wrong" then he ran to me and wrapped his tail around me then dragged me to the medbay. I see the door is locked i use a bypass code and open the door to see knock out on the floor trying to get out of webs, i walk over and help him once he is free he grabs my shoulders and shakes me "they took her!" he said i stop him "who?" i asked "starscream and arachnid!!!" he screamed. I turned and ran to the control room to see megatron standing there "what is it soundwave?" he asked useing knockout voices "they took her starscream and arachnid" i look at him as he growled "find her now!!!!" he roared and i started to look on the computer. After a while i found her at a old mine then i turned on the groundbridge and we walk thought then we hear voices.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ashley pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was stuck to the wall by webs "see i told he wont come" arachnid said "give it time megatron and soundwave will be here for this pest then we will rule the decepticons" starscream said i watch them then came up with an idea "well you both cant rule there only can be one leader" i said then they stoped and glared at each other 'the fighting' i thought then arachind tackled starscream as they fight then i look to see soundwave and dad around the corner and i start to hum [my little sunshine] then soundwave slowly walks over to me and gets me free then walks back to my dad "are you both alright my love?" soundwave asked "yes we are fine my hero" i said smiling. After we got back on the ship knock out checked me out "everything is in order but no more kiddnappings so soundwave will stay with her at all times" he said 'great' i thought then walked to the bedroom "my sweetspark please rest ill have leaserbeak stay with you" soundwave said then leaserbeak flu off his chest and layed next to me, i smiled and pet him "ok my dear" i said then layed in bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~megatron pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sit on my throne thinking about what happen 'ill have starscreams head hanging on my wall' i thought then i saw soundwave come in "you were to stay with my daughter" i said then he pointed to his chest i didnt see leaserbeak, i nodded and looked at a datapad then i hear a beeping, i look up to the big screen to see a pod beaken then i get up "soundwave go check it out and take knockout with you" i said as he walked off. I walked off to my daughters off as i get to the door i hear her sing "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skys are gary, youll never know dear how many i love you please dont take my sunshine away" she sang and i feel so calm and relaxed then i knock on the door "come in" she said then i walk in "hello my sweetling how are you feeling?" i asked, she looked at me and smile "im fine daddy just feeling the baby move is all" she said. I sat on my knees next to her bed "may i?" i asked and she nodded then i take my digit and gentle move it over her stomach feeling the sparkling move, i smile "you truly do have a beautiful voice my dear im so sorry i let them get a hold of you" i said looking away "daddy it wasnt your fault starscream told me soundwave was hurt and like a loving wife/sparkmate i ran to the medbay to be by his side but when i didnt see him i knew it was a trap but i was to late to act" she said rubbing my digit then i lean down and kiss the top of her head "that was very smart thinking back in the cave getting them to fight each other so we could get you out" i said. She giggled "well i did learn to quick think from you and soundwave" she said then i laughed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~soundwave pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We get to the pod "ok we are here but who is inside it?" knockout asked then i walk up to it and to my shock i see frenzy,rumble and ravage, i open the pod waking them up "agh nice landing bro" rumble said "not my fault" frenzy said as ravage just jumped out then they saw me "sire" they said and jumped on me, i hold them close glad to have them all back "minicons" knockout then i nod opening a ground bridge back to the ship telling them about ashley through our bond "so we have a carrier now" frenzy said and i just nod "and shes having our baby brother or sister" rumble said once again i nod "and shes human" they said together. We get to the room, i open the door to see ashley knitting with leaserbeaks head on her lap "hello my dear im back" i said walking in "hello sweetie how was the misson?" she asked "it was fine i found the rest of our family" i said pushing the three closer "this is rumble" i said pointing to the red minicon "and this is frenzy" i said pointing to the blue minicon "and this is ravage" pointing to the cyber panther, i watch as they look at ashley "hello you three im ashley and by now he has told you im his wife/sparkmate so i guess that makes me your mother or carrier as you say" she said smiling then i saw something i thought i never see, i watch ravage curl around the bed lays his head on her legs purring  "awwwww hi sweetie" she said rubbing behind his ear "so ummm carrier may we see our brother or sister?"  frenzy asked alittle shy "sure dear" ashley said and lifted her shirt showing her baby belly then rumble and frenzy start to rub her belly, i watch without them noticing i take photos and store them in a family album "what was that?!" rumble asked and ashley giggled "the baby is kicking" she said. I shink down and lay on the bed with her scarying frenzy and rumble as i put my servo on her stomach i feel the baby moving then i take off my visor and kiss her stomach "hello my little sparkling im your sire and i love you and your carrier very much along with your brothers" i said then kissed ashley and she kissed me back "i love you too sweetspark" she said and cuddled into my chassis, i hold her in my arms 'i will protect my family no matter what' i thought.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I online my optics to see ashley gone, i got up fast and started to look for her only to find her sitting at the table in the kitchen with ravage at her feet "oh good morning my dear did you recharge good?" she asked smiling "yes i did sweetspark how did you sleep?" i asked sitting next to her "i slept good the little one didnt kick as much" she said with a giggle then rumble come over and puts a plate of eggs and bacon infront of ashley "here you go carrier" he said. I was shocked seeing this "thank you sweetie" she said "love you carrier" he said walking off "love you too son" she said and started to eat, i just look at her "oh the boys have been real sweetsparks frenzy helped me out of bed this morning and rumble cooked breakfast and ravage here has been keeping my feet warm and leaserbeak went to get me my slippers" she said then i see leaserbeak fly in with purple fluff slippers and puts them on the ground "thank you hun" she said then he chirps happily and flys off. I smile seeing them helping her out  'and here i thought they be little scrap heads to her but im glad they see her as their true carrier i love my family' i thought and relaxed with her.

Soundwaves True LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon