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"There has to be a way to protect them both from that monster... we must find a way." Torane pleaded, his voice thick with fear and sheer determination. "A spell or something... I beg of you Malia... I can't lose them."

"We are doing all we can to ensure that they are protected... trust that I will do all in my power to keep that evil, vile creature from ever possessing my daughter and her un-born child... your child." A familiar feminine voice promised, my mother the leaders former head Castor. "That is all I can do right now." She breathed with what sounded like dread.

Sighing, I slowly ran a trembling hand over my ever growing belly, wanting nothing more than to keep this precious gift from my beloved Torane safe from the 'man' that demeaned himself our Ruler.

From the stress and anxiety in their voices, I knew that the concealment spells my mother was using to keep us hidden wouldn't hold against the leader's other Castors, not for much longer anyway.

Biting my lip, I pulled back the animal skin covering the opening of the small cave I had been sleeping in and stepped out into the cool night air. Wrapping my arms around myself, I gazed across the fire they had built at the base of the cave to stare at my protector, my heart clenched tightly in my chest as my eyes wondered over his perfect, masculine physic, sending a shiver of longing and fear throughout my terrified form.

Glancing around I saw that not only were Torane and my mother standing near the fire as they tried to come up with a plan or at least figure out our next move, but that my Grandmother, father, and the fellow castors that had allied themselves with my mother had all gathered to warm themselves around the glowing ember flames struggling to ward off the darkness that seemed to being engulfing us, shrouding us in hopelessness.

"My love... you should be resting." Torane breathed with concern when he spotted me, crossing the short distance between us in swift strides, pulling me from my troublesome thoughts as he quickly closed the gap, swiftly he gathered me protectively into his warm, tight embrace.

"I cannot... my thoughts will not allow me rest." Burying my head into his firm, muscle packed chest, breathing deeply I took in his alluring, masculine scent, committing it to memory. "This is my fault... for loving you... when I belonged to him." Mumbling my guilt as I tried to stifle the sobs bubbling in my chest.

"No, my love... our people no longer want to be ruled by an evil man... you were never his to claim." Torane whispered into my hair, holding me close to his chest.

Snapping my eyes open, I frantically glanced around and saw that I was still handcuffed to the gurney in the basement of an abandoned building that Wade and Greg were using to try and bring Vivian Winters back.


Why was I having these dreams? Why did they feel so familiar? And why did that Torane look like Dean? This shit was seriously staring to fuck with me. Blinking I forced my eyes to focus as I once again glanced around the little room they had me in.

How was I going to get out of here? I needed to find something, anything to at least attempt to escape. Anxiously I quietly sat up as far as I could, eyeing the gurney handles to see if there was any way I could get loose, yet I found nothing, I was so screwed.

"We need to rush this along... even if she isn't FBI, she's definitely working for someone... and I'm sure that Montley asshole is probably already searching for her." Danton's voice growled from the doorway.

"Viv isn't nearly stable enough to proceed... we may need to consider moving the others to the abandoned animal clinic I set up a few weeks ago... until we're able to move her too." Greg mumbled nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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